de-tangling the web

Person A is getting over Person B
Person A is questioning Person C
Person A is running off with Person D *wink*

Person B is now officially *with* Person E

Person C apparently has a *significant other* but still flirts w/ all other persons

Person D is running off with Person A *wink*

Person E is now officially *with* Person B

Person F probably still likes Person E, but ya snooze, ya lose

Person G is outta the picture

Person H is too… for now


Persons B and E are hang-gliding

Person A is still thoroughly confused as to why it seems that no one likes them

Person D is still thoroughly confused, period

Person C has given new meaning to *horny bastard*

Persons F and G have been pulled offstage against their will

Person H… umm… i dunno


*sigh* well, that takes some of the fun out of it, now doesn’t it… *shrugs* oh well


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Personally I have to admit I enjoy taking your fun away, my dear. Sry bout that.