Stuff … and stuff

I guess I really should write something … I think I hear my diary crying out in pain, dying of textual starvation.

My week started out terribly … what should have been a simple installation of graphic drivers resulted in something messing up in my computer’s BIOS … of course, it wouldn’t have been so bad if I had realized that it was correctable BEFORE formatting my operating system and reinstalling windows … thanks be to Mr. God that I keep my hard drive partitioned, or I would have lost 20 GB of data instead of only 4 (and some mook once told me that partitioning a hard drive was a useless waste of time and put extra strain on the drive … pffft).

It’s old news now, but I am really thanking my lucky stars that the BCTF settled on a new contract. I may not have my degree finished or my teaching certificate in place yet, but at least with their contract in place, I have the hope of being able to work as an Educator-on-call in September … a very opportunistic means of gaining financial stability and professional experience all in one fell swoop.

Along the educational vein, I have found a wonderful new "addiction" to keep my brain sharp, and it kind of falls in line with Shivers’ concept of "Life School" … Yahoo Answers allows users to ask and answer questions at leisure. I try to answer a few questions daily, and have even had a few users select my answers as "best response" … it’s kinda fun to test your knowledge in an informal fashion, and every now and then there’s an answer that really sheds new light on topics you wouldn’t normally think of.

… I hate to think about it, and I won’t go into details, but I have to vent somewhere about my brother and his wife … things aren’t looking good, and there’s a good likelihood that they may be getting a divorce by December … talk about a damper on the Holidays …

speaking of the Holidays, shopping has already begun … I’ve already got 2 of 10 people taken care of, with direct lines aimed at 2 more of them (I can see people winding up to throw things at me already … tee hee) … kinda nice to be 40% done before winter’s even started … makes Christmas far less stressful …

anyhoo, that’s all for now … I’m afraid if I type any more, the diary servers will rebel from lack of frequent entries and crash in protest.

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