every parents wish

in the begining its easy. when your pregnant you wish for a healthy baby. 10 fingers 10 toes 2 eyes the right number of chromosomes. what else can you really hope for but for a healthy child.

then the baby is born and you have a little human being to love and to teach. you teach them to walk and talk and all you wish for is for them to not repeat all the bad words they hear or to not go running into traffic.

then school starts and all the outside world intrudes and you wish for them to not do drugs and to do well in school and to be the good person you were trying to teach them to be from the start.

they get older and become teenagers and suddenly your baby is gone and in its place is this rageing hormone with feet.  you remember what that was like and try to understand how they feel but they dont care anymore then you did when you were that age.

they see everything you do and it makes you look back at your life and suddenly you wish for them not to make your mistakes. to do better then you did. and all you can do is be the signpost that points the way and hope they go in the right direction.

do every night when we go to sleep we think… dont be like me! dont make my mistakes!

every parents wish is for thier children to do better then they did and to be happy

im no different i wish every day for those things.

i look at the boy trying to become a man struggling every day
i look at other kids his age and think.. well he’s a lot better off then they seem to be.
i can only hope im right and he makes it to being an adult with minimum childhood trauma!

so i wish every parents wish and hold my breath and wait to see

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