nearly 2 months

yup its been nearly 2 months since i last updated.  a lot has happened since then.

nothing major just life you know.  thanks giving was nice. we had it over at mama lynn’s (thats kams mom)

my polan to save money has become a fruitless endevour *sigh*  but thats my new years resolution, to save the money i need. 

ive finally gotten fed up with the minimum wage with maximum strees so ive decided to start looking again. theres a place down the road from where i work now called wise alloys they are supposed to be hiring 54 people between now and the end of january.  so im puttin in my resume there.  18$ an hour to start is nothing to sneeze at 😀

i havent talked to shoeshine in about a month now i think.  hes on his way home from over seas now though WOOT! comeing home safe and sound thank goodness.  well as sound as he was when he left at any rate,  he is a bit of a nutter  but thats what i like about him LOL

lilman is well.  B and G and the peanut too.  he’s back up to the A’s and B’s he had when this hole mess of a divorce started. so i think hes finally settled it in his mind and realised we werent lieing when we said it wasnt his fault.  he still has a crappy memory though and doesnt remember to trun stuff in unless you ride his ass about it.  im afraid he gets that fromme. ive always had a bad memory and its only gettign worse. but i was never that bad about turnin my homework. i think he just doesnt care very much. 

i smell onions. constantly. i dont know why. 

i went to the doc a while back.  he had me on blood thinners for a bit but i kept getting nose bleeds and they made me sick as hell.  so i stopped takeing them and they are considering a new route. he told me to take up smoking. he was joking of course. sort of.  my little buddy up there is just dandy no bigger no smaller at this point.  well definatly not bigger then it was when they removed it the first time.  atleast i dont have to drive to huntsville anymore theres a independent lab and MRI down here that i go to and they do all thier testing and blood work and stuff and send the Doc’s the results. i dont have to go again till the middle of april. 

really life is just life.  im happy enough.  isnt that all you can really hope for? to be happy enough?

kam is well. still fighting with SSI to get him a new wheelchair.  they are supposed to buy one for him every 5 years and his is 10 years old.  we had to tape the freakin tires on the wheel just so it would roll! hell half the damn spokes are missing!   the lions club gave him a loaner. its one of those hospital ones that weighs about 30 lbs. and dont you know what a pain in the ass it is to get THAT thing in the back of my car LOL

i can hear copper outside whining to get in.  its cloudy and cold and i think ill take him for a walk at the golf course maybe ill drag kam along  he could use the exercise too LOL



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