memory lapses

ive never claimed to have a good memory especially when it comes to remembering dates and things but for the last month or so ive been a little worse then usual.

there have been a couple times i havent remembered having a convo 5 mins after having had it.  kam has asked me to get him a drink and ill say sure in a minute and then not get it at all because i dont recall him asking.

ive always claimed to have ‘deficiant noun disease’ .. its from a joke that mel found once.. about once youve had kids you lose your words and its pretty funny considering how often ill go to say something and just totally forget what  word i want. lilman used to love trying to guess what i was going to say! especially when he was little.. id say.. would you hand me the.. and just go blank and hed try to guess what it was i wanted while i just stared into space snapping my fingers trying to remember the word. .. anyway ive always had that.. but this lose of memory recently has got me a bit worried.

ive even done a few things twice lately because i havent remembered doing them the first time.  i sent an email to my doc the other day asking him about it. (you remember him.. the nice man that removed my tumor) anyway  i sent the email 3 times because i didnt remember sending the first 2.  he finally sent a responce today. and aparently its a pretty normal thing to happen considering the part of my brain that the tumor was near. but the headaches are back as well. not nearly as bad as before but bad enough to warrant me going out to buy a new bottles of  drugs for what kam calls ‘the j cocktail’   (2 excedrin migraine 2 excedrin tension headache 4 asprin) i know i know dont say it about not taking all those drugs at one time!  i know its bad for me but its the only thing that has a hope in hell of working w/o going out and getting a scrip for a drug thats gonna cost me 300$ a month.

i have an interview tomorrow. i doubt theyll have insurance or anything , its just a gas station.. but one can hope. maybe ill go get a scrip for imitrex or if they are really nice maxalt! now that stuff can kick a migraine in 30 45 mins flat!

i miss lilman! this weekend was great! i hate having him so far away.



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September 5, 2007

RYNs: LOL I see you stopepd in. Now that I’m back at my FOB for a bit, started my retirement and the Missus had her gallbladder out I may find time to relax and start writing again. Well writing for the masses. I still manage the occasional individual email and IMs. *mua*hugs*smeggles* Miss you Sweets Cheers,