great weekend w/a crap ending

ok where to start…

we took lilman to the dirt drags that my sisters fiance races in. had a great time. got sun burnt as hell! LOL got to see lilman dance. or do what he considers dancing! it was funny as hell! i got pics! but he had fun and got to dance with a few of the women that were there. sadly not many kids his age really but there were a couple atleast.

much good music and of course tons of nudity in the pasture after the kids had been sent back to camp at dusk. 

i havent seen my sister and her girls in about 2 years so it was good to see them again. got lotsa pics of them too.  eventually ill get them developed and loaded up :))

the cra ending came on the way home when i opened up my wallet to find someone had stollen the money we for bills.  yes yes i know i should have left it at home or kept it on me at all times! but i didnt really think anyone would steal it.  i should have stopped to pay bills on my way ou of town like i had wanted to but i had gotten such a late start and was in so happy to be seeing lilman that i just pocketed the money and planned to do it when i got home.

but oh well i hope whoever took it needed it more then me. id hate to be the one getting the bad karma off that 😀

i called JP .. hes not home. im kinda glad. i needed a day to rest LOL.

time to go call lilman and check on his burn. ahh yes i forgot almost.. he burnt himself on Mongo’s tail pipe.   mongo felt so bad about it! he must have apologised 6 times over the weekend! hes such a sweet guy.  it wasnt even his fault and he still felt bad about it LOL   i think theyve set the date for this november. i cant remember exactly.

ahh well time to call lilman and then i think kam wanted to watch some movies or something.  weve finally finished watching seasons 1 – 4 of smallville TYG!! im so tired of it i could just cry! LOL he loves this show and wants me to know everything thats happened since season 1. thankfully we dont have season 5 or 6 atm so ill be getting a sville break LOL

ok i had meant to make this all detailed and such but i just dont feel like it atm. i feel tapped out LOL

hope yall had a good weekend!


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