giant mutant ninja strawberries from mars

ok maybe not from mars but they are freakishly large! but oooh so yummy!

lilman and i went strawberry picking at Bush’s this morning. we hada  good time and we picked a ton of berries
so now we have chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge and mashed strawberries for strawberry shortcake and im currently in the process of makeing strawberry preserves LOL

weve got a bit nutty over the strawberries

lilman  picked one as big as his fist i swear! hes refusing to eat it until mother gets home from work so he can show it to her LOL

oohh coolwhip! i forgot the coolwhip!  i see a trip to the store in the near future!

DOh and my noodles are done i must  go stuff them now!

have a good weekend yall


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June 2, 2007

You’re stuffing noodles with strawberries? You ARE getting carried away! Strawberry festival just ended here so all the good strawberries are gone. 🙁 I wonder if chocolate covered strawberries would survive a trip to Afghanistan?!? 😛 *M*H*S* OX2