the officiality of it all

its now official, lilman leaves for B’s june16th.  and ill leave for ‘bama  a day or so after that. 

i just dropped 300$ on the car for a new alternator so that thing better run for a LONG time before anything else goes wrong! LOL

i know lilman’s excited. shoot im a little happy about it myself! ive had enough of the crappy teenage attitudeand hes not even a teenager yet!! im about ready to know him upside the head i swear! ok not really… but he does spend a lot of time in his room atm since hes grounded. go figure.  i talked to his teacher on friday and he ‘found’ the homework he didnt turn in last week and the stuff he didnt turn in this week.  so hes gone from an F to a C atleast. and that WILL come up like it or not.   he’s got a class trip to a waterpark on the last day of school and if he wants to go hell have all his grades up but expecially that one. an F HUMPH! .. i just dont know whats wrong with that boy!


we spent yesterday in portland picking up some of  mel’s stuff that ill be bringing with me for her to pick up when i get to ‘bama.  the place is worse then ever.  it looks like an episode of  COPS in there! you know when they go into a place and you see it and you think DAMN thats nastey.. it was pretty much like that.  i made a pile of dirty laundry for them to wash that was about thigh high and about 5 feet long… it took up the entire hallway area, we did 4 loads of dishes and still had 5 or 6 left to do when i left for home.. im pretty sure they didint have any clean dishes when i got there… and im not even gonna wonder what they were eating off of before hand.  the dog was in her kennel and im pretty sure they only let her out long enough to walk her. the poor thing was so happy to be let out she couldnt stop boucing around.

i feel like shit but im gonna call DCS.  ive debated over it for years, and well yesterday was enough. its never going to get better and something has to be done.  i wouldnt hesitate to call if it was someone i didnt know cause god knows what you can catch when you live like that. hell the youngest girl gets lice atleast twice a year. 

its scarey that people can live like that and not realise how nastey it is.  theyve seen my house  and thier friends houses  they know not everyone lives in a pigsty.  i cant imagine how they let thier friends come over.

so i wonder am i being the good friend for doing it or the bad friend? i dont know and really  i dont care much anymore, i just cant see those kids liveing like that anymore. the word squalor comes to mind when i think of that apartment.  they are gonna have to rip out those carpets when they move theres gonna be no saving them at all, between the food and the animals and god only knows what else .. i shudder to think whats on that floor.  you should not walk across a carpet and have your shoes stick!


we went and saw spiderman 3 on friday and i must say 3 thumbs up 😀  very excellent movie and Stan Lee (the guy that drew the comic) did a little cameo in it!  it was cute.

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