love for sale

or so it seems.

i dont remember the days when divorce wasnt an option. im not that old. but i remember my grandmother telling stories about how the scandal of the small town she grewup in was someone that got divorced. it just wasnt done  it wasnt acceptable.

you made a choice and you lived with it.. good or bad.. for better or for worse… those are the vows right?

somewhere along the way it became more acceptable. and i must say in some cases i agree in the breaking of a marriage. when you beat the hell out of each other and the kids you need to seperate and hopefully do something right for the kids. screw you its about the kids.  but anyway.. divorce has gone from acceptable to .. i dontknow  almost encouraged. ..

go ahead get married.. if it doesnt work out you can always get a divorce. i actually gasped so hard i choked the first time i heard those words. 

my best friends mother was the first divorced person i was aware of as a kid. but it wasnt so much an awareness of her being divorced as  just an awareness that there was no father.  we never talked about it beyond the .. why isnt your dad here, they are divorced convo.  it never bothered her or anyone else that i could tell really. but i was young and my world revolved around me and my friends so im sure that there were things going on that i was never aware of.

my sister was the second. that one brought the awareness closer to home.

over the years ive known quite a few people that were divoreced or well on thier way to being divorced. and the prevailing attitude of the older people has been very much where did i go wrong.. what have i done why are you doing this… while the younger ones have tended to be more of the.. well its just a piece of paper.

it is NOT just a piece of paper.

its a promise before god (whichever god you happen to worship) your supposed to love this person so much that your willing to stand up before your god and say yes i love him/her and will be by his/her side no matter what.  i made that promise. and i meant it. he made that promise and he meant it at the time.

for better or for worse.
for richer or poorer.
till death do us part.

those are the words. so how can people so easily break that promise.

oh it got too hard!
i got tired of being married.
i got bored.
i fell in love with someone else.
he/she isnt the person  they used to be.

getting thru the hard stuff is what makes the good stuff so much better.  we’ve effectively sold our ability to keep a promise. that is the ultimate promise isnt it? hell we dont even have to make any kind of legal promise  just to have kids. shoot peopel have kids and give them up all the time! weve become a society that cant keep its word.

whats that line from mary poppins.. ‘oh thats a pie crust promise, easily made easily broken.’

weve become pie crust promise makers. we put no real thought or effort into what we say and do.  when it comes down to it. we dont ‘walk the line’ because weve made it so acceptable to just walk away. maybe im old fashioned i dont know. but a promise is a promise, you give me your word i expect you to keep it cause im sure gonna keep mine! 

i just dont understand why. it makes me sad to see. we need to take ourselves back to a better moral code. we’d be so much better off in general


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April 26, 2007

I hate to disagree Sweets, but a marriage certificate is just a piece of paper. It’s a symbol and a contract. A symbol of your love and a contract legally binding your resources and obligations to another person. The problem is people think that being married ensures happiness. They forget that love takes work and marriage takes more work! Marriage isn’t the end it’s the beginning. *M*H*S*