time marches on….

and eventually you realize its marching across your face! … i prolly misquoted it  but you get the idea. 25kisses for the person that can tell me what movie thats from!! LOL

i had an interesting discussion with vivianna today about  looking like the ideal woman.  shes very upset apparently  that shes not the ideal woman. and really i can think is WHY would you want to be ‘the ideal’ 

think about it..

this is what we are supposed to look like if we want to be the ideal .. what the fashion industry says we should look like

we have to be 5’8
weigh 130 lbs or less if possible
blonde hair if at all possible.. other shades are considered mediocre at best
36′ 24′ 36′  for the ‘hourglass figure’

the only way ill ever achieve 5’8 is in a pair of 6 inch stilletto’s and lets face it im jsut NOT a stilletto woman.. ok USUALLY im not.. there have beeen occasions.. but i digress!
130lbs?  HAHAHAHA not friggin likely.. i havent weighed 130lbs since highschool.
blonde hair? well im a blondey browny red so i think i might pass that one on  a technicallity
36 24 36?  obviously not!  i went from training bra to Dcup practiaclly over night.. 36 is a none existant number for me LOL

but on top of all that.. theres all the requirments from  men..  i wont get into all that..

so lets jsut say…

there is no way for every woman to fit the ‘fashion ideal’ and the ‘male ideal’  it is physically impossible. you could be one or the other and then youd have the issue that vivianna has.. she doesnt think shes beautiful because shes not the ideal. she doesnt look like what the fashion rags say she should be.

and to that i say SO FUCKIN WHAT!!

im ever so glad i dont look like all the women in those mags.  im rather proud to be an individual. but she just doesnt get it. so she eats salad every day for lunch drinks a slimfast for breakfast and jogs every day after work.. she wishes she could ‘eat normal food’ as she puts it. she tortures herself to ‘be beautiful’

i think shes gorgeous the way she is

but she doesnt listen. hopefully shell wake up some day soon and toss out all those fashion mags and crap and drink her slimfast and eat her salad because its healty and not because she thinks she should look a certain way.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































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April 19, 2007

Truvy in “Steel Magnolias.” 😉