what do you mean its thursday!!!

i  played hooky from work today. i just couldnt make myself go.  i felt like hell when i woke up and said screw it and called in sick. when i woke up later, at a definatly more decent hour when the sun was up, i felt better and could have  just gone into work late and said well i feel better and they would have accepted that.  but i blew off the hole day and took  lilman to the mall with me to get my camera fixed.  only to have them tell  me theres nothign wrong with it.  so lord  only knows why its not taking pics properly.   operator error  i can only assume!  now if only i knew what i was doing wrong.

so lunch and a trip to the mall with lilman and a stop  off to get him some new pants.  not a wasted day id say 😀

shoeshine is still in  Ft Dix  and i havent heard from him in a few days  so im assuming things are going well.  he did have an ftx to do and if i recall rightly  he didnt have to lead it 😀  so even better for him LOL

i got a pile of books from the library and plan to read my way thru them this weekend. ahhh bliss

its spring break dontcha know!

spring has definatly spung in oregon! man its beautiful here! id take pics for ya but yeah well camera issues LOL  i refuse to give in and get a digital  although  im sorely tempted, sorely tempted indeed!

530 and i can hear oly watching the news on tv. i should start dinner. i should.  hmmmm


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