a jolly rancher wtf oops kinda day

the day started well.

well aside from  me getting out the door a little late. but who cares i was still to work 30 mins early!

i loaned kelly a quarter so she could get a bag of jolly ranchers off the deli truck and so she gave me a couple.  i have had jolly ranchers in years. i had forgotten how much i love those things! mmmm cherry!

the day  rolled well really. nothing  bad happened  and nothing good happened either.  just another day really. untill i screwed up some hats and ended up spending  nearly half an hour picking out stitches only to re-run them and find that i was going to have to get a new set to run. at which point  my  lead  had to tell her lead and so  i got the ‘wtf happened’ talk from linda. and really shes very nice about it.  but as she pointed out  i only have an 8 head machine its not that freakin hard to run!  they accept mistakes as being well mistakes and they arent any big deal unless you make a mistake on a custom hat. which i did not. thankfully!  but it was a stupid mistake! and entirely  my fault.  so all i can really do is hang my head and sigh and say ‘im sorry’   and kick myself in the ass for it LOL  but  ahh well tomorrow is friday! WOOOOOOOOT

im ready for friday. but of course i work on saturday so … ahh hell maybe i wont work  saturday.  i could use the money though. we’ll see.

im tired

that deep down in the bone tired.   i need a break.  im tired of being here. its definatly time for a change of venue.

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March 22, 2007

I’m tired of you being there too. Wish you could hang out here some on your epic trip east. “Go east young woman” (that’s a lesser known Horace Greeley quote). I guess you can hang out here, just I won’t be here. 🙁 Well I hear Jersey is beautiful this time of year. 😛 Maybe I my trip back in Jan can run through Atlanta? That’s months away but it’s a nice thought for now. 😀 *M*H*S*

March 23, 2007

How do I commission a custom hat? I wear a size nine at the temples that tapers to a pin on top.

March 23, 2007

ryn; I was just messing with ya, I’m not really a pinhead. I wind up going to John Helmers downtown portland on the rare occassion I really need a hat.

March 24, 2007

ryn; R R R <== Laughter, I refuse to type lol.

March 24, 2007

^^^^ my computer doesn’t even have an LOL key. ryn – about the dog’s hair dryer, that you use for him because you have thumbs, yay, I liked that. sorry about the hat thing. that happens. hope you have a good next week. I’m back to work too, and I hope there aren’t any disasters. Sure I do.

March 24, 2007

rynrymryn infinity no take backs double dog dare; Herschel and Otis Lol, but that’s because they can’t spell, they actually loll their heads out the window of the jeep and lull their tongues. Ok, ok, so I can’t spell either, I’m a Lollygagger.