near miss

its not often that  you come so close to death that you can feel it breathing down your neck.  i did today however.  its not a pleasant feeling!

i often wish that  telekinetics were real.. so i could  pick up cars off the road and wedge them into the nearest muddy wet river bank when they do something stupid.  but today was the  most stupid ive seen in a very long time.  im  like most people and i tend towards speeding when i drive, usually…  but  not in the mornings  on the road i have to drive to get to work.. there tends to be patchy fog on the corners and its  bit of a twisty road.. not much  room to pass and usually a double yellow line anyway..  but aparently  someone was in a very big hurry this morning he/she came up from behind me doing atleast  70 and slid around me as we were about to go into a curve.. she narrowly avoided being creamed by an oncoming car and i was barely 10 feet behind her as she pulled into my lane…  they were so close i swear for a second  her taillights (no brake lights) and his headlights blurred into  one. 

i was glad she sped on and got away from me  but im sure she probably gave that other driver a heartattck and probably more then a few grey hairs. 

people are so stupid.

she could have killed all 3 of us  just because she was in a hurry.

hmm i keep calling that driver her and she.. i dont know for a fact that it was a woman, it was too dark.. but  odd that i assume that it was.



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March 12, 2007

If I had telekinetic powers, I’d be remotely buttplugging anybody who annoyed me. Because if they’re going to act like they’ve got something up their ass, I’m prepared to help them get a good sense of what it feels like. Grrr. Glad you’re okay and not suffering for the idiocy of another.

GAH! it’s a person like that who ran my brother over. stupid wankers! *ahem* enough ranting! ryn: no one’s ever played in my garage, there’s too much stuff! but these guys used to play in my basement before they were given shiny recording studios… i like that they’re a metal band…but the singer actually SINGS! woop! doesn’t Ryan (singer) look like a monkey? *grins*