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March 3, 2007

I see a lighthouse. It’s light is spreading to the 4 corners of the world. And while the world may be warped, the light never wavers. That’s what I see.

March 3, 2007

ryn: omg, can you imagine how pissed i was when i found out Daisy had been given such a huge amount of chocolate! she’s such a tiny thing so it wouldn’t take much to affect her… some people have no idea.

March 4, 2007

LOL, sorry it’s hard to stop contemplating my navel since they pulled my gall bladder through it two days ago. Funny how we can seem so healthy one day and so broken the next. And I see the Big Bang. A bright light spreading from the center to fill what is defined as the universe. Reminding me that humans find it necessary to set boundaries on things that don’t require boundaries. *M*H*S* OX2