im fixin to y’all!!

being from the south as i am, i have an accent.

not surpriseing unless you live in OR  and so when i speak people tend to look at me a little oddly  sometimes  and i have to stop and think about what i said or atleast slow down so they can understand me.

i tend to forget this though and it always makes me laugh when someone  hears me say.. im fixin to.. for the first time.

my  boss linda heard me say it for the first time today. she  just looked at me kind of blankly and said .. your what?
and so i repeated myself  and she promptly  burt into laughter.  words like i tend to come out sounding like ah and ruined sounds a bit like runed or roont. im no scarlet ohara im more of the  little black maid that  says  i dontknow nuthin bout birthin no babies! LOL

anyway for the rest of the day every time linda came near me shed poke me in the arm and tell me to say it.  just *poke*poke* say it. cooome on say it!  so id look at her and say  ah fixin to take that finger and run it under the needle and then your nice manicure will be runed!  and of course shed  walk off laughing and shaking her head.

people are so odd LOL

its been raining for the last few days   i love the rain.  course that means ice  onthe car and roads in the morning  but no big deal i can just slide my way to work LOL

i told lilman yesterday  that well be moving to AL over the summer.  he was very excited. he likes kam a lot.  possibly because kam has every video game imaginable! ok well maybe not that many but he has ALOT  if you stuck them  in thier cases and stacked them  theyd  reach my hip.  and i know this because i stacked them to move them LOL

anyway  i told butthead as well.  he was happy that he wouldnt be paying 700$ every summer to see lilman.  you know  if he  loved his kid wouldnt 700$ for a plane ticket seem inconsicquential? (sorry i cant spell it) its not like he pays alimony or child support.. its not extra money he has to pay.  UGH  im not even gonna get into that.  next subject!

i bought strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.  they are early  so i doubt they will be good  as good as the fresh ones well get from  Bush’s farm in june but ive been wanting strawberries for a while so i shelled out the $$ .. dont ask how much they cost though!  it made my wallet cry to  buy them LOL

ok time to cook dinner

yall have a good night

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February 28, 2007

I used to make fun of…well, more along the lines of mimic accents. Now I’m stuck with one, lol. That’s what everyone tells me anyway. Aw maaan, strawberries.. *whimpers*