the resolution- everyone has atleast one right?  i dont generally. i havent made a resolution in years, i never saw the point in makeing a promise to myself that would inevitably be broken  or forgotten.

but this year.  its different.

i’m divorced, ive had major surgery, ive been back and forth across the country 3 times fixin to be 4.  i’ve let the bad shit go and now  this is my time to open a door and let the good stuff come  if it will.

i’ve always been a go with the flow kinda person and my flow is closeing the door on a major part of my life and opening a door to a new one.

so THIS  is my resolution.  to let it happen.  to not fight it and just enjoy the ride.  this is how im happiest and  my happiness affects lilman so all else is just flotsam.  as Maui Jim says… ‘ebb and flow’.  … its time to go with the flow.

in this new year. dont forget to treat people  the way you want to be treated.  think before you react  it flows a lot better that way.




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