spaghetti wrist

i worked at Brashers again today driving for thier auction. and of course i met a ton of the local dealers

what i dont understand is how the majority of them dont know how to shake hands.

i got enough limp wristed handshakes today to qualify that place as a spaghetti convention.

is it because im a woman? they didnt want to hurt me? 

it drives me nuts to shake hands with someone and feel like im holding a wet noodle

how hard is it to lock your wrist and give a firm but gentle squeeze?

and its not just men, women do it too hell women do it more often. or you get the 2 finger touch and a pat of the tips of thier fingers.  im not the queen yall id offer you my hand palm down if i wanted that kind of thing  sheesh LOL

i know it seems silly  but i believe in first impressions and your handshake is like your calling card or it is for me anyway.  im more likely to remember you for your handshake then anything else.

so lock your wrists people and be firm but gentle cause you never know who might have arthitis!

ugh im annoyed im off to read my favs

namate yall




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Actually from a guy’s perspective…I have found that women tend to shake hands the same way as you describe as well. Like a limp & nervous noodle. Gives off a bad vibe, ya know?

December 20, 2006

I Always pay attention to hand shakes, I couldn’t agree with you more! I told my back doctor just the other day that I liked his cool handshake!

December 20, 2006

I’m not sure I’ve seen a woman type about this, but most guys with real handshakes complain about this. It’s really the only way in America that men touch in public (besides family and very out of the closet homosexuals). It feels creepy to shake a hand that doesn’t shake back, like you just did something agressive and mean. Of course some guys are the opposite, they try to dominate with a

December 20, 2006

handshake. It feels equally gross for almost the same reason like you were in a pissing match instead offering a gesture of friendliness and respect and touch. Ok, shutting up now.

December 21, 2006

Your right about handshakes. I like a firm one. I also agree, those limp ones from guys are often as frequently experienced as those from women.