EEP Tagged!

ok so heres the deal, iget2beme tagged me so im gonna be the dutiful tagee and  make me a new entry here yall  .. sorry  just a little of the southern in me creepin out LOL

ok so here we go

Each tagee starts with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write their own entry about their seven things as well as these rules. At the end of your entry, you need to choose 7 people to tag & list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a note telling them that they’re tagged, and to read your entry!

fact– i sat here staring at my screen for 10 minutes   trying to think of something to say and still havent come up with anything  i can pass for interesting  so youll have to settle for uninteresting

habit– i pull out my eyelashes when im bored or nervous . i cant help it its like scratchiing an itch that isnt there. sometimes its like i feel  just one and its not like it hurts but it just feels weird  and i have to pull it out so i just keep plucking them out till i get the right one.  yes this does leave me with a little eyelash deficieny on occassion LOL

fact– im a closet freak . married to a military man for 10 years i had to ‘be normal’ so i repressed every ‘oddity’ so i could conform with the ‘military lifestyle’. but every day that passes  that i dont need to conform lets the closet door open a little more

fact– i dont believe in ‘God’ but i do believe there is something out there. this cant be all there is,  theres too much unexplainable stuff we just have to evolve enough to be able to understand and accept whats going on.  besides its beyond arrogant to think  that in an infinite universe WE are the only sentient beings. and i use sentient in the looses form because i believe dogs and dolphins and other creatures are sentient as well just on a different level.

habit– i blow a kiss to every green light i go thru  

fact– i have become my mother. and as much as i hated the idea of that when i was growing up, im rather proud of that now. time and experience have changed my perspective  VERY much

fact- ill bend over backwards for friends and family but as soon as you break my trust all bets are off.


ok there you be  little bits of me make of them what you will LOL

oh yes and i taaaag

shoeshine     madam sassy pants     serin     innocent evils    maui jim     sunny  and     haredawg




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December 13, 2006

I just have to know….do eyelashes Really grow back? I loved the way you did this, breaking it up between fact and habit, thanks for following through!

December 13, 2006

ryn; the deed is done, you can run but you cannot hide.

December 14, 2006

Well I know what I’ll be doing all day at work… trying to come up with 7 random facts about myself! 😛

December 17, 2006

RYN: All done ma’am! *salute*