unacceptable behaviour

Luna’s Rules of Behavior
(yes i live by these rules)

Rule # 1.  If you don’t want it done to you. DONT do it to someone else.
                (do unto others…  its the golden rule is it not?)

Rule #2.  If you wont say it in front of your mother or children DONT say it to
                anyone at all. 
                (There are a few words and things my mother has NEVER heard me
                    say and certainly my son has never heard them. so its a flat guarantee NO ONE
                    has ever heard me say them)

Rule #3.  No Lieing, Cheating or Stealing
               (the devil is in the details.. and if you dont lie you dont have details to remember)

Rule #4.  Think before you act or speak.
                *edited for Serin to make a little more sence *grin*

Rule #5.  if the words, I cant, come out of your mouth before you even try 
                something.. DONT expect anything from me. 
                (ther are a LOT of things i can’t do, but tried  before i found out i couldnt…)

Rule #6.  If you cant say anything nice… dont say anything at all. 
               (i always get a mental image of Thumper when hes says that in Bambi)

Im sure ive left something out  but im running out of time atm i have things to do



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November 28, 2006

(grin) Hon, isn’t #4 kind of palliative?? Doncha wanna think about that before you done it?

November 28, 2006

These sound good to me!

November 30, 2006

Good rules to live by. Love the cute kitten face (awww!)