life with copper .. take 2

ok now i know  this is probably one of those things thats only funny when your there but im gonna tell yall anyway


its bed time atm well for lilman and copper anyway

so i go into the living room to shoo the boys off to bed and copper is laying on his back with his paws in the air (his favorit sleeping position when laying next to the fire)
(at this point i should tell you that copper is a basett hound … 55lbs and roughly 2 feet long maybe 1 1/2 .. anyway hes a good sized dog.)
so lilman goes to get a drink of water and i decided im going to carry copper to bed since hes sleeping so nicely. and heres the glitch. picking up 55lbs of dead weight dog .. not as easy as it used to be when he was a puppy LOL.  so i get my arms around his chest and i was just gonna snuggle him a minute before sending him to bed when lilman decides to lift his butt. .. mind you the dog is still asleep hasnt wiggled so much as a toe… so we get him half way up and i realised that i STILL cant pic him up because of my position… so  now im on one knee halfway to standing lilman  is holding his butt in the air and suddenly  the line from ferngully goes thru my head and out my mouth before i can stop it i look at lil man whos about eye to eye with me in this position and i say.. lift  i need lift.. .. we were laready giggling at that point  but over the edge we went  laughing like mad trying not to drop the dog or wake mom and oly.. and he STILL hasnt moved at this point…

so i just plopped back down on my butt and lilman sets him down  so now i have 55lbs of dog dead weight in my lap  his  head is hanging down over my knee with his nose touching the floor and lilman and i are just laughing like a couple of loons.  i know it doesnt probably seem funny to you but trust me it was!!

i think what made it the most funny is he didnt move thru the hole thing. i mean he was snoring for petes sake!  while i was about to drop him on his head!! man people are NEVER that cool and trusting!!  i love my dog!

It’s good to be The King!  and boy does he know it LOL




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