ive had this dream before

i was sleeping in a tower  when i woke up and released something.

it was a type of puzzle you had to flip these giant wrought iron switches in a certain order.. and i did .. i released a barbarian… but he only slumped forward  so i walked away and looked into lilmans roon. when i came back the barbarian was gone.

lilman and i raced down the tower stairs to tell someone and as we reached the bottom i turned to him and said.. dont tell father it was me.

and i turned back around and there was my favther in a living room watching tv and someone was sleeeping on a couch.

i tried to go back upstairs but lilman followed me so i told father the barbarian was loose and then there he was.

he said something i dont remember what.. and kind of shambled towards me and i said something about outside and i opened the door and he went out..  i remember thinking it was odd that he was wearing bluejeans

i followed him out but he was gone and i stepped out into a graveyard. the ghosts where all leaving.. just flooding into the sky.

i went looking for merlin and try and stop what was happeneing and  found .. someone/something and i dont remember everything that was said..  but he/it said i had released  gods army and they were going home .. and something about this army was how god had repressed all other religions and used it to squeeze the life from them..

he/it said  i could have stopped it all along if i had only gone thru that door.. and suddenly theres a giant glowing door and i ran thru it.. and found merlin fighting some demons and i asked him if i should tie a knot in the knecklace.. and he told me to use it to see.. so i held the necklace and saw titania and oberon  using magic to make the demons fight…

once we saw them they spoke to us.. oberon talked about seeing his companion die and how sorrowful he was.

it seemed we spoke for a long time and more was said  and i told him something about jason .. (who was a friend of mine that had died a long time ago- why he was in the dream i dont know .. i hadnt thought of him inyears)

so we seemed to be friends and we left and i took a silver circlet that had belonged to jason and a amethsyt necklace and a dagger with a dragon on its tang  .. i dont know why i took them  but i put them in a backpack…

and for some reason.. maybe its another dream thats tangled with this one.. but i remember going to the bank and there being a black kitten playing and pulling out money to fix my car and we went and layed on the grass in the sun to wait. .. but i think that happened before i let the barbarian out…

its all very odd and familiar.. i know ive had this dream before.. atleast the part about the barbarian and the tower and going to the graveyard…

there may have been more but my alarm clock went off and i wanted to set it all down before i forgot it.

so now im off to work!!

sorry if theres more typo then usual  but im in a rush!



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October 25, 2006

Wow..what a dream. Did you know that when you have repeating dreams like this that you have more control over them? I had the same dream so often I learned how to fly every single time I had it, and I could then change it and make it mean even more

October 26, 2006

you have it often?? i’m exhausted just reading it once! being an ex-shrink i should be able to tell you it means something… but i can’t be arsed 😉 (smiling cheekily) unless of course you want me to, then it’ll cost you (lol). sweet dreams, M.