Adventures in Copper Land

OK  .. so this is how my day went.

545 wake up and realise my alarm clock  didnt go off.  no big deal  i was only 5 minutes late getting up. no rush

got ready for work woke up lilman before i left

had a slow day nothing exciting  .. how exciting can punching holes in little metal pieces be really? 

wrote a poem during lunch that had been simmering on my back burner since first break.  and just to torture you all im going to put it here.  and just a little warning its not graphic or anything  .. i wouldnt say its NSFW  but its not for children either

My Fetish

To be your Queen
i would suck your toes
and nibble your lips
you are my fetish
i will do anything
to make you gasp
to wriggle and moan
yell my name
i would be
your dirty girl
your virginal treat
i’ll call you Popi
crawl across the floor
beg you for more
all you have to do
is give me that look
that gesture
ill make your conquest
an illusion
tie your freedom
between my legs
squeeze your pearls
into lusts diamonds
tease your longing with love
just to be your Queen

            JMC 10/06

… ok  i know it doesnt make a lot of sence … but the conversation that inspired it was about all the things a woman would do to make her man know she loved him.. and well it was a bizare conversation cause well the girl that i was talking to is a bit of a fetish freak.. which isnt bad  but it makes for odd conversations  and odd notions sometimes  .. anyway  thats what came of it … for me anyway.

so after the bad poetry and a ever so healty lunch of doritoes and grapes  i went back to work never expecting to be called at quarter past 1

it was my mother.. in a panic because Copper was gone.  he’d aparently gotten out sometimes between 8 and 10 because lilman went to school at 8 and Oly came home at 10 because he forgot his lunch.. only to find the log dog gone! he went to moms work to tell her and couldnt find her so he came back around 11 and told her  but mom couldnt leave so at noon she raced home and started looking for Copper! at 115 she calls me panicing because she still cant find him!

so i raced home.. after telling them i was leaving of course!  and we start looking.. i went to the local Vet hoping someone had brought him there and they said sorry  but try city of V*****   .. it was just down the road so i zipped oer there and sure enough someone had called and reported having found him and was holding him at her house… so they called her for me and just as we were calling our neighbor had just picked him up.  (aparently mom had enlisted his help while i was at the vet and he remembered someone earlier looking for someone whod lost a dog. so he went looking for the truck and found it.) copper had followed the nice lady home while she was on her walk and she had called the city to let them know shed found a lost dog.    so by the time i made it back home mom and copper were crossing the street back to the house.  i wasnt sure  which i wanted to do more hug him or beat him silly!! LOL

.. now i know your wondering why didnt they just call our house.. because every dog owner knows to have a tag for thier dog.. well im a bad dog mom! i admit it!! i should be publicly flogged for neglecting my dogs safety!!  i had been putting off getting him a new ID tag. he never goes anywhere w/o me and well i just wasnt expecting him to get out of the yard! i mean really!! we counldt figure out how he did it!!  (.. we did .. but thats next )

so we put him back in the house and take off for walyworld to get him a name tag… we get home just in time to see lilman get off the bus so we asked him as we meet in the driveway.. did copper get out this morning.. and hes yeah  but i put him back in! and so we figure  he just slipped out again while lilman was closeing the door or something..  .. anywa  we walk into the house and guess what.. HES GONE AGAIN!!! 

and i KNOW he didnt get out when i closed the door. so mom and lilman go out and start walking around looking for him and i went intot he backyard.. sure enough theres a gap under the fireplace next to the fence  just big enough for him to get out of!!   so i grab his leash and go looking for him as well.. i figure we were only gone an hour he couldnt get far… and well he didnt

he made it to the far corner just about the time the people that live there were getting home… and you will not believe what he did!! they opened thier garage and he let himself into thier house and went right in and got on thier bed and layed down!! OMG the brazen ass off this dog!  so mom sends jessie to get me since i had the leash and by the time we get back to the house shes already left with him.. and since we didnt pass them i knew they had gone home down the side street so we take off and get around the corner to find mom and copper sitting on the curb.. and mom says  .. i couldnt carry him any farther.. and my imediate reaction was WTF!!  my mother has fibromialsia and shouldnt be lifting anything heavier then a gallon of milk (and not even that if she doesnt have to!! ) so heres my little 5’1 110 lb mother sitting on the curb  cause she tried to carry his fat ass home!! he weighs half of what she does!!!  and let me tell you THIS TIME i knew if id rather hug him or beat him!!

so we get him home again and i drug his butt to the hole in the fence and smacked him with the rolled up news paper yelled bad dog and felt like shit when he looked at me with those big sad copper eyes!!

so we put pier blocks down in front of the hole.. so no more wandering for him!!

and in the mean time dinner was supposed to be ham and beans  but no one had had time to get them started!! but theyve been cooking for about an hour now on the stove instead of the crockpot  but well they should be good anyway LOL

so yeah  adventures in copper land today!!

i cant believe he had to nerve to just go get in those peoples bed like he owned the place!! the woman thought it was very funny though.. she offered to dog sit for us any time we needed! 

so he got very lucky not to have been smeared on the pavement in the morning  .. because we do live near a major road and people come flying up and down our streets like its the indy 500 and he got lucky finding nice people on his little stroll in the afternoon.   so im buying him a costume and we are going to go trick or treating t

o thier houses and bring them a treat for being so nice!  i dont know what the treat will be but im sure it will involve chocolate

so thats been my day so far! and its only 4:30

i think im gonna go read my book and hope that nothing else happens! LOL



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October 23, 2006

nice poem, i’m all over except the “virgin” part. hehe! ryn: YA-ZUH!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!!