‘Eve’s Discourse’

Today I brutally greet you
with a grunt
or a kick.
Where are you hiding,
where have you fled with your wild box full of hearts,
and your stream of gunpowder?
Where are you now;
in the ditch where all dreams are finally tossed,
or in the jungle’s spidery web
where fatherless children dangle?
I miss you,
you know I do—
as myself
or the miracles that never happen–
you know I do?
I’d like to entice you with a joy I’ve never known
an imprudent affair.
When will you come to me?
I’m anxious to play no games,
to confide to you: "my life"–
to let thunder humble us
to let oranges pale in your hand.
I want to search your depths
and find veils and smoke,
that will vanish at last in flame.
I love you truly
but innocently
as the transparent enchantress of my thoughts,
but, truly, I don’t love you,
though innocently
as the confused angel that I am.
I love you,
but I don’t love you.
I gamble with these words
and the winner shall be the liar.
Love! . . .
(What am I saying?  I’m mistaken, because here, I wanted to write, I hate you.)
Why won’t you come to me?
How is it possible
you let me pass by without requiting our fire?
How is it possible you’re so distant,
so paranoid that you deny me?
You’re reading the newspapers
passing through
and life.
You’re with your problems
of groans and groin,
entertaining yourself with an aspiration to mourning.
Even though I’m melting you,
even though I insult you,
bring you a wilted hyacinth
approve your melancholy;
call forth the salt of heaven,
stitch you into being:
When are you going to murder me with your spit,
When are you going to overwhelm me again beneath the rain?
When are you going to call me your little bird, your whore?
When are you going to profane me?
Beware time that passes,
Not even your ghosts appear to me now,
and I no longer understand umbrellas?
Every day, I become more honest with myself,
magnificently noble. . .
If you delay,
if you hesitate and don’t search for me,
you’ll be blinded;
and if you don’t return now,
infidel, idiot, dummy, fool,
I’ll count myself nothing.
Yesterday, I dreamt that while we were kissing,
a shooting star exploded and neither of us gave up hope.
This love of ours
belongs to no one;
We found it lost,
stranded in the street.
Between us we saved it, sheltered it.
Because of that, when we swallow each other
in the night,
I feel like a frightened mother left alone.
It doesn’t matter,
kiss me again, and over again
to come to me.
Press yourself against my waist,
come to me again;
be my warm animal again,
move me, again.
I’ll purify my leftover life,
the lives of condemned children.
<font face="Georgia" size="3">We’ll sleep like murderers
who’ve saved themselves
by bonding together in incomparable blossoming.
And in the morning when the rooster crows,
we will be nature, herself.
I’ll appear like your child asleep in her cradle.
Come back to me, come bac,
penetrate me with lightening,
Bend me to your will.
We’ll turn the record player on
Bring me that unfaithful nape of your neck,
the blow of your stone.
Show me I haven’t died,
my love, and I promise you the apple.
~Carilda Oliver Labra
date unknown

bits and pieces of this speak to me.. both like it and dislike it at the same
time. i dont even remember where it is i got it from but here it is for you to
enjoy or not enjoy LOL


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October 10, 2006

How people can write like that..amazing!