good grief!!

ok well ive had my scare for the week!

lilman didnt come home from school on time today. and me being the paranoid parent that i am immediatly calls his school to find out if he missed his bus. they tell me to call the bus barn and talk to them.. bus barn hasnt seen him  he wasnt on the bus.. so obviously he missed his bus…

so i call the school back and they do an ‘all call’ for him.. which just means they page him over the intercom.. and after waiting 10 mins they finally get back on the phone and say.. oh yes we just checked the log he signed in that he missed his bus… he should have called you for a ride home..

well i didnt get a call  and neither did my mother who is his alternate contact…

so i call the bus barn again and give them her cell number and they are all looking for him and im walking out the door when the bus barn calls again and says we’ve seen a boy matching his description walking near the dairy mart.

so of course i run out the door hop inthe car and speed off to dairy mart.. really there wasnt much speed involved dairy mart isnt far enough to speed to.

so anyway.. halfway there… i spot lilman walking down the road toting his backpack and instrument looking like hes got not  a care in the world

which irked me some let me tell you

im thinking im gonna have a stroke and he looks calm as you please! LOL

so i pull over he hops in and says.. where were you?!

i think for just a moment my head was gonna pop!!

i was at home.. where were you?! ….i’d like to point out that i was calm! (on the outside)

inside i was having a mild stroke and possibly a heart attack and maybe even an anuerism!

i know i know i live in a small town what could happen right?! right?!

so anyway .. it turns out for whatever reason when he tried to call thier phone didnt work so he just decided to walk home..

i didnt even kow he knew how to get home from school!!

i mean ive never shown him.. didnt think i needed to really. thats what the bus is for after all. guess its a good thing hes a smart kid. i asked him how he knew how to get home and he just rolled his eyes and said.. well i do watch where the bus is going…  oh silly me! i was always one of those kids annoying the bus driver by talking to my friends to much LOL guess its a good thing for me hes a smart kid!

but it lead to a long discussion of letting peopel know where you are and if the phone doesnt work to let someone know.. you know the hole responsibility talk..

my head hurts

i think ill take an advil and lay down with a cold washcloth and pray that my sanity returns sometime soon!

i swear hes going to turn me grey before my time!!

maybe i should buy stock in clairol 😀





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September 25, 2006

RYN: So, after all these years, I can still “amaze” you, huh? 😉