un written policy?

i want to know.. is there some unwritten policy between doctors  that if you dont have insurance they charge you an arm and a freakin leg and make you pay it all RIGHT NOW.. like they arent getting paid enough that me paying a $150 office bill in parts will break thier bank.

so anyway

i broke down and went to the doctor today obviously..  and $150 later all i know is.. its not strep its a virus and all i can do is ‘ride it out’ as she said… but i should come back if it doesnt start getting betterin a day or 2?


if you cant do anything for me now what are you going to do for me in a day or 2?  and if you CAN do something in a day or 2 why not do it now?

OH I KNOW!!  so you can charge me another $150 for a doctors visit.

so her solution… ibuprofin and gargle childrens benadryll to numb the sores in my mouth. OH and heres a brilliant bit of advice..   eat soft food.. GEEE ya think!!  id be happy to eat at all!!

so im off to make jello!! lots and lots of jello!!

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September 14, 2006

I hear you! I went to the doctor with my little girl last month and it was $173… to be paid RIGHT THEN. And we both know these doctors make plenty of money; they could be a little more patient and understanding, i’d think!

September 14, 2006

hey* i hope you start feelin better!! yeah the docs are expensive~it sucks!! exspecially when you go and get no answers!…well take care and *much love*

September 15, 2006

ryn: We did get married but I have yet to see any of the legal paperwork for it yet… That’s all I was saying! 😛