where i stand skyclad

spread my arms wide to the sun and the moon and embrace all that makes me happy.

everyone has a place to go to ‘be themselves’ mostly its a place in our minds.. some are lucky enough to have a physical place

what does your place look like?


its on top of a mountain next to a crystal clear lake so deep you cant see the bottom.  there are wild flowers of every color, shape and size. the sun always shines and theres a giant weeping willow in the middle of a meadow where i can go for shade.  theres always a cool breese blowing and the clouds are  the fluffy white kind perfect for finding shapes in them.   some details change, like  the animals, sometimes there is only 1 but more often then not there are several roaming around.

i like this place.. my skyclad place

i hope you all have one too



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September 10, 2006

Thanks for your nice note. Mine? Mine is in meditation, next to a babbling brook of cool mountain water. It’s also 40 yards from my front door where I go to sit on a bench above the crashing Pacific.