dr. combover

no one’s here. it’s fall break. it’s like a ghost town. i chilled with owen last night and brought home some navy ass.. hole. rilly. full of himself and he fell asleep on the common room rug. i’m thinking maybe i’m displacing my being single. instead of chilling and enjoying it, i’m sort of over enjoying it. i spose it doesn’t matter tho.


in fact, a lot of things are beginning not to matter anymore. sean is taking katie to the dance, everyone loves her bc she’s so much like me.. it’s like she’s taking over my old life. i know i should be happy that she’s finally making her own indentation of the world but.. why couldn’t she make it with some other people? why does she have to chill with all my old friends? it’s like we’re little again, but instead of stealing kayleigh away to play, she’s taking everyone. it’s so messed up.


and dinner was shitty. they cut back the portioning, so instead of offering a wide variety of food, there were burgers, hotdogs and the specialty. the specialty looked awfully familiar. shrimp, breaded steak, some goop.. all from last night. i grabbed a dinner roll and it was hard as a rock. so i opted for the burgers. i managed to grab one from a fresh tray brought out, and it was cool. i got a chilli dog, but ever since i watched that short from ebaum’s, i can’t eat a hotdog all the way through. i also had fries, half of which weren’t cooked all the way through. so i figured i’d top off my crap-din with some ice cream. they have two ice cream dispensers (each can hold two flavors as well as swirl them). but i saw a guy go back to the dessert area and come back with an empty cone which he promptly threw away.


i’m thinking i’ll go to coldstone later on.



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