it’s alive!!!

it’s almost 5 now. i woke up at 4.5 and i have to be to work at 7. life couldn’t get much better! ^^ now if only nick would get up here, then my happiness spot would be full.

so yea. i went and got sean yesterday bc i was going to go get a milkshake at udf and i know he loves malts and i just so happened to have a coupon and i was going to the one by his house rather than go to the one all the way in sharonville. i had perfect timing bc people were coming to look at his house and he and his family had to disappear for awhile so i just took him while his parents went another direction.

went there, came back and finished them in front of his house and then i realized that i finally had enough cash to go get cd’s. so i turned on the car and we weent up to tri-county and went to fye. he said he usually goes to best buy or some other place bc of better price but this was one of the few places to have tristania so i got it and i also went ahead and got the soundtrack to van helsing. i adore that movie and i love the music. i agree with sean that it’s impressive in the theatre, but anything blasting your ears off with the overtones of guitar lightly played (perhaps sitar with a clamp?) is going to be kickass.

then we went to border’s (after stopping at.. circuit city i believe. yea. crappy selection for rock people) and sean nearly had an orgasm bc it said that they had a disc by therion that he wanted in stock (only one of course) but after searching all around the area, we couldn’t find it. he even looked under S, just in case they filed it by title in stead of group. he was gonna give and get the one he didn’t really want but i slapped him around a bit and told to just order the damn thing since he wanted it so bad. *rolls eyes* gothic-men.

so then, while we were there and i had only about $11 dollars on me, i found an edward gorey disc. i nearly cried. i would go and buy not one, but TWO discs earlier only to find something like that, just waiting for me. my gift card with $9? still at home. rather than put it back, i took it to the front and had them put it on hold. i’m buying it before i go into work today. i hope it’s good. the only thing i love about fye and despise about the other places is that fye has the thing where you scan the barcode and get to preview a few seconds of the song. i wish i could do that. now that i think about it. i may take the gorey disc over to fye and see if the barcode thing works.. but it prolly wouldn’t bc it’s not their barcode in their records. scratch idea.

well, i need to eat and get dressed and stuff before leaving for work so yea.


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