party – graduation

i was right about getting fucked up. almost got pulled over.. TWICE. ben got super flirty with gina and he was being so fucking obvious too. even when it was only me, him and her. hell, esspecially when it was only me, him and her and gina didn’t fucking help, rubbing all on his side and neck and saying ‘i just like his face when i do that.’ she was tired-stoned, tho and you could tell ben was digging gina sommin awful. we’d already smoked two bowls by then on the way to marxbagel’s. so i pretty much didn’t have anyone to talk to until dustin came and by then i was kinda in a bad mood.


plus his kid is a hyper brat. he takes swings at people and when you tell him to quit sommin he just keeps on doing it. i mean, he is super cute and all, but he for real needs some damn ritalin! or a sledge hammer to the back of the skull! and this kid is like.. three!


but dustin treated us all to mcdonald’s which was nice. he could do it bc his mom is some country western singer famous super star person. unfortunately, we weren’t all that hungry since we’d just come from marx bagels (where dustin’d gotten lost trying to find us at. he thought ben said kemper road instead of kenwood road off of cooper *sigh*). me, gina and ben (i dunno about dustin) got deserts and dustin and nicholas (the hyper child) got 10 piece nuggets. of course, nicholas (hyper child’s) refused to eat except for a bite and wanted ben and gina to put ice cream on his nose and kept hitting and elbowing gina and me (he was in between us). it was such a pain in the ass.


we left to go see where dustin lived bc he said he lived super close by so we left and lit another bowl and no sooner than ben hits it and passes it to me (it was already packed from earlier) we’re there. i ask if dustin’s okay with smoking and he says he has no idea so i just quietly lower the bowl and hope for the best.


when he came over he said we were all smoking that ‘wacky tobacy’ so i just shrugged it off and hit it. passed it to gina. now, the thing about gina’s hits: i hate the way she hits. she does inhale, which is more than i can say for sean but she only takes one hit in. she doesn’t keep going, like me and ben and mikey and jem and stacie and benn and almost every other person i’ve toked with. if you’re gona smoke, SMOKE. but whatev. more for us. once ben got it, he held it and wrapped up talking to dustin and left and took us back to my car so i could take gina home.


as soon as we were alone in my car i so on her ass about being a flirt! she was weakly denying it, but she knew she had been. we mostly listened to music on the way home. i think a year without smoking (cigarettes and other) and drinking regularly has affected her tolerence.. or maybe she’s never been able to take all that much. i just don’t know.


don’t care tho! i love gina, no matter how much she flirts with our friends. it’s the day she starts flirting with my boyfriend that i’ll punch her *pow* but yea. tommy was being very.. incentive? no.. leading?.. no.. i dunno. but he was dropping hints i think. we were walking through the crowd to get to the table where they handing out the actual diplomas (arms around each other at first but there suddenly became a huge a huge black mosh in the middle of the arena so he led me by the hand instead) and he said he wanted me and gina (or at least me) to hang with him and jeremy after graduation tonight and that he’d be all by himself and all lonely and i mentioned sommin about nicole (his gf of many months, maybe years) and he said that they’d been broken up for a little while now. the conversation would’ve gone on longer except that he saw nicole and went to hug her around the neck so he’s prolly in her bed right now *rolls eyes*


hrm.. oh. and that one tall, big cushy guy i met at the senior breakfast who kept being nice and saying hi to me and gave me the gum pack (who i gave to sean bc i don’t like spearmint a lot) and would always wave and kissed me on my cheek when he gave me my goodbye hug and stuff? yea.. that guy.. whose name i still don’t know but i should’ve picked up on by now.. he came up and gave me a hug when me and ma famille were standing at the doors trying to make dinner plans before rushing into the rain so i gave him the complimentary goodbye hug and ‘yea it’s fun but i can’t wait to move on’ line and he asked for my number to call me during the summer. so i gave it to him and he left and when i turned back around david was like ‘you so just got asked for your number!’ and i jolted bc that’s exactly what it seemed like to them and i explained it to them bc this guy was NOT attractive looking in the least. maybe in the face, somewhat, but anywhere else? nome. the guy who came in and said that they had to leave NOWNOWNOWNOW? he was. but this guy, whose name i don’t know but gave my number to? *sigh*


well, i suppose it’s all good. i’ve known jeremy since elementary school and have been hanging out with him for two maybe three years and i just gave him my phone number tonight.


*double sigh*


what’s worse? i have all this pot left over from last night and no cigarettes to pack it in, no blunts to roll it in and i haven’t owned my own bowl for at least two years since my mom almost found mine. no cigs, got pot, no way to smoke.


*sighs until lungs completely deflate*



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