robert redford

yea.. so what woke me up this morning? not my alarm clock at nine like i’d hoped but my mirror crashing down from my wall. for no reason whatsoever- BAM! i think it scratched the wall some which means i hafta get out some paint and touch it up bc i’m all anal like that.. maybe sean will help. he’s gona be here at 6.5 and stay til about 7.5 methinks-dammit! i told nick i’d be online at seven. *smacks self*


well moving right along- i woke up messed up again. both yesterday and today i’ve been super lightheaded when i woke up. yesterday i just dreamed that i was and then when i woke up i actually was, but just a little. now? i’m like.. if i turn my head real fast, i feel fucked up. i dunno.


hrm.. i meeting roger at two and after that i really need to go pick up some cigarettes bc i’m out. other than that, i don’t think i have a whole bunch going on.


other than the fact that i uploaded some pictures i took last night. some of them are good or alright and i think there’s about two that are.. interesting.. to say the least.


yay! *collapses* still dizzy. meh.



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