who am i now!?

i am so completely out of character. what the hell am i doing? multiple outings? multiple social groups? meh! i’m usually i one-group-for-the-whole-week kinda girl. it’s all gina’s fault! i hafta get as much ‘gina’ time in before she goes back to switzerland. so after going out with her and sean yesterday and spending the entire afternoon with sean and a lot of it (til 7) with her, i went out again with gina today for shoes, a creek adventure and ice cream at vonderharr’s til like.. abt 3 or 3:30.. it may have been 4.. but then i dropped her off and went and got sean so we could find the hyatt, then we got side tracked but it was alrite bc we booked our hotel room for prom and then went and got milkshakes. then i came home and watched matrix III with ma famille and had some breakfast.


but i usually don’t go out so much with people unless we have something specific to do, like a movie or get a shirt at a store or go to specific store to look for whatev. the only reason me and gina headed out today was bc she said ‘you wana cigarette?’ and i was like ‘we can go after this scene if you want’ bc we were at rehearsal. in fact, when amy said sommin abt gina going home with her (amy is her house sister, gina is a foreign exchange student) i was all like ‘mustfindgina’ bc i WANTED her to go with me. weird? yea. so now i’m sociable. great.


oh, and when amy went with us? i had fun. dammit, i had fun. wtf? usually when people go along with us that i don’t know that invite themselves or just i don’t rilly know all that well (or that i’m unable to keep in laughter/smiles) i find unnerving. so when i had fun, it was nice. it was exuberent kayleigh fun, but i think i like this better bc we could actual converation and it wasn’t all cracking up and about recent ex’s (kay’s side anyway <3 <3). it was.. girl.. talk.. and as strange as that sounds coming from somone like me, i enjoyed it. it gets me away from all my testosterone-ish friends and it’s good. so there. shove it.


alright, it’s almost 1am now and i hafta be up at *thinks* 9:40. at least that’s what mr. alarm says. so i’m gona grab one last cig and then go to sleep.


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