mama mia.. here i go again..

welcome to 5:46am, sunday april whatev. i’m tired, somewhat dirty and want desperately to sum up enough energy to either go have another cigarette or go raid that easter basket over there. i know there’s dove-love waiting for me, but it can wait wile i write.


the trip was decent. the first two days in south cari were well spent. the first was rather uneventful and the second we toured the college. i am Fearing the two years of foreign language i will have to take there. i’m also Fearing the mathematics a little bc i tried to do a simple equation with kitty and found it rather difficul to sum up all the things i’d squashed down in represive memory. they have a writing lab there, where you can take your papers to be ‘finished’ for you, meaning they’ll tweak it to what the profs are expecting. i don’t rilly want to use it bc it’s almost like cheating (only valid) and i kind of want to see what the prof would think of my own, raw writing style, but i’m also afraid that my first grade back would be less than.. ah.. yea..


moving right along, jupiter. three mornings without my dad. that meant he was on dives somewhere. that meant he came back in a good mood, i’d be in the driver’s seat so he wouldn’t even hafta drive, katie would be glued to her game and debbi would not get yelled at! in fact, he only sniped at me once this whole entire past week. yay vacation (finally). the first morning was spent by the pool. the next two were spent idly driving around, trying to navigate the roads of florida, which all have 45-50 speed limits, although everyone does the highway speed of 95 (it’s posted at 70). when he would come back from his dives we’d head to lunch then to the beach then have a light supper. the last day, we deviated from this a little and went to go see the turtles up at loggerhead.


the turtles? all wounded and in there for rehab but adorable. most of the huge. i mean HUGE. the biggest was prolly close to 700lbs. but there was this one turtle who i loved. he was prolly around 300-400lbs, a pretty red/violet color, patterened to look like the sand, his shell was heart shaped *melt* and when i first saw him, he was in the middle of the tank (the tanks were mostly low, abt knee level, so you could look directly down on them and their shells could cared for more directly. his tank was just below my knee, i think). just as i walked up, another woman walked away. i stood exactly where she’d been standing and a minute or two later he started inching towards me. i just watched. when he reached the wall of the tank, he stuck his little nose out of the water and breathed some air. i smiled and i said, outloud, ‘aw, you wanna kiss?’ and i made some kissy noises at him. surprise! he stuck his head out of the water and breathed some air again. i smiled and giggled a little at this. there was an old man nearby who worked there and he said ‘he must be in love.’ i looked over and nodded politely but the guy went on saying ‘some people stand there 15 minutes waiting for that fellow to move and he’s gone and done it twice for you.’ not to mention he moved over to me! i’m in looooove!


oh, we also drove thru atlanta on our way home toda.. yesterday.. yea. anyway, we’d only driven thru it before at rush hour and daylight but tonight? mmm, it was so pretty to look at. the highway we were on (i’m not sure whether it was still the florida turnpike at that point or whther it had deadended into 75 yet.. but eh) took us right thru the whole city. i was laying down at that pooint and i just flipped over on my back and watched the whole city go by. it’s so much bigger than cincy and it looks.. cleaner, somehow. there was one building that had a sort of triangle lit up on it.. one where the whole peak of it was lit up, some blue lights, the effect was wonderful. i wished we’d had time just to get off, turn around and drive back thru, just so i could it all passing me by again..


but rilly, sincerely, i am in love. with the south. sounds like something from a dimestore novel, but i am. the beaches? i want to set up my residency there. the climate? beautiful. *argh* why’d i have to be born in crummy cincy, where it’s 65 one day and it snows the next (yes, this rilly happened, just a few weekends ago). all i can tolerate is the fact that, by july, i’ll be heading down there for orientation. then, in august barring some disaster, i’ll be moving into glenn mcconnell(sp) or college lodge (or mcalister.. but i hope glenn. it sounds the best PLUS it’s getting torn out and redone this summer).then my parents will go home, i’ll get some first assignments, turn them in, then get a break when my birthday comes around (it’s nice to have it around labor day weekend). it’ll either be hell or it’ll be paradise. i’m not too sure which i’m expecting. if what was said once comes true, then things could quite easily become like a dream. if it falls thru like so many other things, i’d try to save to see, but then i’d know that all i am is something distance makes intangible.


and i’m deciding this at 6:18 in the morning? i need some sleep..



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