mot the hoople

well i woke up with my alarm and reached over to turn on my on my light and my light said FUCK YOU!!!*<3blink<3*


yes, it burned out. so i laid there for a moment, trying to remember what day it was (i was convinced it was saturday but i forced myself up on the offchance it wasn’t and the fact i’m usually wrong) and i turned on my halogen in the corner. then i opened my door to come face to face to my mom who told me school was on a one hour delay. i looked out the window and saw snow and finally realized it was tuesday. score. no rehearsal for me.


so i went to reset my alarm but the numbers kept wavering in front of my eyes so just put down the clock and climbed back in bed hoped someone would wake me up bc hey! i’m katie’s ride to school right?


wrong. i wake up at around eight to my phone (txting) going off and i have four messages or so and some are telling me that we have delays and then one is tiff telling me to go back to bed bc school’s out for the day. sean’s the one that woke me up, blubbering abt the dawn of the dead preview that was on last night and how he wants to see it so bad.


i decided sleep was a lost cause and just got up. so now i’m here. i’m either gonna get danny or erik (sean and i have a hustler date later in the week so eh) or someone and do something bc i’m not gonna sit here all day. i don’t even have any work to do.





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