the passion

it’s early in the morning. again. i went and saw the passion with sean and dacy. it was all round *overall!* good movie. i cried at a few parts bc i couldn’t understand anyone treating anyone else like that as long as they’re still alive. aslo, i think maybe they overdid they curtain ripping a lil, but i know it was supposed to be a  finale of sorts so it’s understandable. but it stayed right on and included everything i could think of so yea.


i hurried home the long way and had dinner with steph, dave and my parents (kitty’s out fasting. i start wednesday). it was a good night filled with some B&B brandy and bailey’s irish cream. i like the bailey’s better. my dad was all like ‘no, you can’t have any’ and i was like ‘mom! whine whine!’ and she said ‘moses, let her have some’ and it worked as usual and dave was astounded. he looked over at me and said multiple times, ‘i can’t believe that worked.’ heh.


so once they left around eleven, i helped tidying up some and sat down to watch some tv and wait for nick to call bc he said he would. he still hasn’t. it’s getting back to where he calls the day after he said he would, at least that’s what happened last time, and i knew he wouldn’t all tonite. it just gave me a reason to stay up and watch law and order ci *smile*


now i’m just debating whether to find sommin else to do or to crash. i’m sure somewhere, there’s a coffee place open.. hrm..



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