fail-safe bandage

it was never a question of what if, but instead a knowing coursing through her veins hot with passion pure of innocence driven by demons lingering in the dark that she had never realized closing in quickly chasing her footsteps as they continued forward onward to an unknowing demise,

the dream held true to her clinging to the part of her still holding her to this realm of possibilities and prayers quickly pulsing in her heart in her throat needing something she had never known. she still reads those scraps of a past life that somehow doesn’t appear to be hers at all and is never too sure which thoughts were real and which were figments entangled in her psyche rapid inpulses firing stimuli throughout those nerve endings containing life within her, without her

the void consumed thoughts and fears alike, bleed words of red upon pages of nonsense luring her into an unknowing conscience, fully enthralled she somehow lost the memory of what it meant to be to breathe another breath utter another word of selflessness to hold onto the hope or faith which binds and corrupts all at the same time

hold her, still her, rock her gently, steal her, be her….feel her in the fire as a coldness shallow and dark reaching for the flame to warm her thoughts bleeding human indifference, afraid alone doomed for all eternity, she could promise a forever, but it would not last so long after all

love her, never forget her, forgive her, empower her world with those thoughts of ….

but please,

never forget her, she doesn’t want to be forgotten

but she doesn’t want to be forever 

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were you thinking what it would be like to be licked clean of that chocolate? i would let you have the berry promise

well i have to say somthing about it i can not look at that pic roo many times or i will just pop in my seat

November 20, 2004

thank you for your note… we were very lucky.