
im back at home now. it really is home. the warmest feelings envelop me and everything feels so wonderfully novel, yet familiar. very contradictory and very confusing.

the flight was satisfactory. it always is. its never really a great flight. five or six hours of fast forwarding thru the prairies at 43,000 feet.

thats 13,100m. or 7200 fathoms… if, y’know, the sky were the sea.

things were hectic at uni. plenty of situations like this: 48 hours awake, 3 hrs sleep, 24 hours awake, 8 hours sleep, repeat…

its still tough to shake the feeling that im not living intensely enough, though. though ive made inroads into skill development i find that the final product is still lacklustre, due largely to the varying skills inherent in group work. i wish my faculty would grow some balls and carve off the fat in the program so as to leave those truly motivated and interested.

i feel that ive not accomplished anything, though i know this is not so. im beginning to fear idleness. i want to feel that im working on a project, something grand, something architectual and evocative. i dont always feel i am doing this.

for the time being i think i shall hike and photograph.

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April 20, 2006

oh, you live. nah, the world isn’t pointy, rather mushy and engulfing me whole. im back in vancouver on the 30th. actual vancouver too. woot.

April 25, 2006

ryn: I wish more people would try it. I think the world would be a much better place. But then again, I think I have a biased opinion. ;;

May 2, 2006

RYN: “your headline grabbed me – NDP = New Democratic Party in Canada” Heh! I did that just for you, you know. 😉 🙂

May 2, 2006

Hope the hiking and photographing have been going well for you.

I like the way you think.

May 5, 2006

ryn:I love Waterloo; I’m going back as soon as I can do it legally – I want to get my citizenship, buy a house, etc. For now, I’m stuck back in Georgia, missing the ‘Loo, missing the GoTrain (yaaaay for alternatives to driving to TO!), missing my friends, missing the Canadian attitude toward life, and taking lots of pictures with my new SLR – my ‘feel better’ present to myself after I left ON.

May 8, 2006

You’re the second person I’ve met that recognise Shpongle here on OD. Such fantastic music. Hiking and photographing sounds like a lot of fun. I did a photography course in College a few years ago and it was a lot of good times. Especially in the earlier days of spring when life is cropping up everywhere around you after a long winter.

yea but i promised one of my best friend i’d stop all so ishall vancovers pretty <33

May 10, 2006

ryn: yes, brilliant it is. ha.

May 11, 2006

RYN: Thanks for the link. It’s amazing how gullible people can be.

May 15, 2006

ryn// pfft! T3s are nothing (not to mention im terribly allergic to them). i’ve been on more morphine and fentenyll (sp?) in my day than any street addict. wheeeee! <3

June 10, 2006

ryn: i am suave. havent you noticed? and uhh sorry it took me so long to reply to that note. ive been lagging

June 11, 2006

ryn// ok, i said they were “comfy” but thats just the what kids on the street are saying. what i meant was “trendy”. crocs are “trendy”. (and its not plastic, doh! its some new synthetic micro-something that warms and melts to your feet and will never smell!) <3

June 15, 2006

Sorry my rebate was bigger than yours, but it did go staright into the wife’s account. I’d buy you a beer if you were here.

June 16, 2006

Hey Andrew! Ive been reading lots of your old entries, circa 2002, for a long time this evening/morning. Brings back so, so many memories. We used to hang out so much. Reading those entries made me kind of sad and long for those times. What can we do though? The past is just that… I’d love to run into you at someone’s house and have a great conversation with you one of these days 😉

August 23, 2006

ryn// (you need to write a new entry so there arent so many ‘ryn’ notes from me pertaining to my own crap) … halifax is vancouver-lite. the toronto kids say its toronto-lite but it has much less ego and prettier seascapes, a la vancouver. you’ll like it. <3

August 25, 2006

stop insulting my honda.

October 6, 2006

ryn: pretty much, but i asked for it. oh well.

December 10, 2006

did you suggest that we feed the fat north americans to the hungry africans? thats brilliant!

February 15, 2007

i was reading old entries and saw a note you left saying you might be here for reading week to visit a friend who’s in architecture at dal. just wondering if you were still coming. im going home tomorrow but if you are here, i hope you like the city — have you been before?

March 6, 2007

well i really dont know what youre talking about. helicopter landing pads and all. beefy structures? are you an architectgeek? that’s great and all, but ‘fess up.