your perception makes me real : implosion

I think this will be the end of my experiment here.

I have lost patience with this website and its usability difficulties as well as the invasive advertising. I am seeking a place where I may write elsewhere, although I have not decided one way or another if I will keep posting my writings online at all. The typical blog format does not excite me – OD at least had something going for it in that regard. Any suggestions as to where to move would be appreciated.

Anyone who wants to keep in touch with me, please let me know and I will give you my MSN and/or email address.

Other than that you may be rest assured that I do not exist, and further, that you, yourself, also do not exist. Do not bother to fight this.

For those that need to be told: reveal your inner vacuum so that we may bask in its sharp, cold existence. March forward, always forward.



Log in to write a note

Well, crap. I was just getting aquainted with you. Aaaaand my vacume. Heh.

Vacume= cleaning device. Vacuum = inner nothing. Gee whiz.

February 11, 2005

What ever happened to wax diary or whatever it was called? Chris Judson

February 11, 2005

true that! i was trying to remember the name of the diary we created like three years ago…I think it WAS wax diary. You can run Andrew but you cant hide! …meaning….something…. bah

pop tarts.

February 14, 2005

i got a question i would like to throw into the vacuum (which i’m used to calling the void but *meh*)… yours, mine,… no clue. why look inside when there is a world outside just waiting to be seized? surely something is better than nothing. surely a life of action is more worthy than one of mere thought. that may not sound like a question but it is. why i’m asking it i have no clue.

nooooooooooooooo! dooon’t leave meeeeee! well ok fine, if you must. have fun not existing and all that. and send me your email or screenname if you wanna chat. if and when my computer decides to stop hating the world, i’ll be back as hootenany on msn. luck with finding a place to post! and let me know if you find a good one… bloody OD is going quack.

February 17, 2005 – they do a free hosting service with 100 MB of space. I paid them $90 US for a domain name for 5 years and that was the only charge. If You drop my name when you register, we both get an extra free 100MB. They do other packages of course with more space, domain name locking, SSL licences etc. Let me know if you’re going to do it.

February 20, 2005

well at least i can still enjoy your ramblings on msn.

add me to msn if you so wish

Dear Andrew, I will forever think of you as the one that introduced me to the dancing comie kittens, give me an email sometimes, i find your writings quiet entertaining as well as intellectually stimulating. Aaron.

ryn: tell me about it. They say its e when its really meth or caffeine. And if you get lucky to actually find some real mdma they sell for 20 a pill. Bleh. =(

April 24, 2005

oh, i should have read this first. happy non existence!