And God Is Empty, Just Like Meeeeee

grammar god!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah. That’s right. COWER IN FEAR, PUNY HUMAN!

I’m back in Vancouver for the time being (that time being until the morning of January 3rd). I arrived Monday night… nothing incredibly earth shaking occurred. I relaxed at home and caught up with family. We watched the new Harry Potter and some point.

Tuesday was lovely. Someone decided to shoot at our car with a pellet gun, while we were driving. It shattered a window. I was furious. How someone could dare endanger my family in that way. It is for the best that I did not get to the alley fast enough to see anyone, because I feel certain that I would have beat them to within an inch of their life. As I’m now 18, that would be raised to an adult assault charge and thats just no fun, now, is it?

That wasted a whole day and a half of time to get it replaced and talk to the police, not to mention the $300 insurance deductible to have the window replaced. The total cost was $800, ICBC being the one who shoulders the remaining $500 or so. We all lose. My family pays, and so does every other family that has insurance with ICBC. Such idiocy. I truly wish death upon those people with the pellet gun. I’ve no use for such mouth-breathing asshats. Kill them and we shall be all the better for it.

That night I walked around with Scott and Jakub, it was nice to see both of them. We did… something. Music, beer. I don’t know. Chill.

Wednesday night Judson, Scott, Jakub, and I drove around downtown at English Bay, and then walked around and explored some more. Beautiful city, I miss it very much. Sushi was involved, as well as trying to break into the Harbour Centre. We went back to Scott’s and watched Elephant on DVD, good photography in that show.

We put up our tree tonight. It was late in coming because my mother has been fighting off the last legs of a nasty cold. I think her upper lungs and sinuses are weakened from a few years of seasonal bronchitis and they’re still recuperating, so the cough drags on even though the sickness in question has moved on. My brother brought this one home from school, and its now battling my Dad, too. Me? I never get sick, PUNY HUMAN!

We cancelled our 3 day ski trip for a few reasons. 1) Manning’s snow base is depressing. 2) The weather calls for -25 weather. 3) My dad seems to be under the weather and would not be able to enjoy himself.

So, we’re gonna go one day somewhere but not bother spending the money on the accomodations and the like. No point, I’d rather be here with family than miserable in some cabin due to weather/illness/whatever.

I need to visit the art gallery to see the new global design exhibit. The exhibit ends on Jan 3 I believe, which is fine because I’m out of here anyways. Judson and Scott want to see it, this I know. Chanty, if you’re reading this, please come along. You’re hot and you make meat pies and you have birthing hips (random conversation memory, batman)! w00t! I dont know. Chanty rocks. And she will marry some dude with the last name Gregorian, so that they can hyphenate to Gregorian-Chant. Or else.

It’s kind of strange being at home. My brother took my old, large room (and my 2 year old comfy as hell queen size bed!). He didn’t even paint the room. He adores me and thus kept the colour. It’s also an agreeable lighter shade of forest green, so there is that beyond the older-brother-worship. My mother has painted the kitchen a shade nearly identical to my old green, so that effectively eliminates green from my options for my new room colour. Bah. Oh well I need the change anyways. I was thinking a nice red. Right now I reside in my brothers old room, with my stuff kind-of-sorta hurriedly moved in. My parents bought me a new bed and its quite comfortable but only a… double? Twin? I’m not sure. They say its the same size as the one I have in residence at University, but I am sure that it is not. The one at res can barely fit two people side-by-side comfortably (or at all), while this one is certainly wide enough for that with room to spare.

I’ve decided to construct a bookcase when I return in the summer. It will be an old world wooden wall unit type bookcase with the wood panelling at the base of it, with various moulding and the like interspersed throughout. I like the challenge of a new project. I think I will also build myself a desk to match. I’m going to refinish the bedframe, too… sand it down, rough it up, put some new (darker) stain on it. I’m going to be pushing my Dad to start framing in the bathroom downstairs, as well (we have an unfinished basement). We have bought the toilet, sink, and bathtub and all that remains is to purchase some lumber and frame in the bathroom, after which the other rooms can follow. The bathroom is key and you cant really frame in anything else before that is finalized.

Yes, well. That was all rather disconnected and unimportant.

Happy Christmas, everyone! I won’t be in town long so give me a call if you feel the need for a dose of Andrew. I need to phone you Chanty, sorry that I have not already.

cheers –andrew

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December 24, 2004

hmm im thinking i didnt leave a message here last night. how snobish of me. so you’re canadian then! well lovely. did you say you’re from BC originally, or.. ? quoi? i have family in vancouver so hurrah. and ryn// thank you. everyone else said i looked like i was ready to attack in that picture. lol <33 merry christmas

December 24, 2004

i read this earlier and now i forget what i had to sayyyyy damnit.

December 24, 2004

oh yes, that’s what i was going to say. shot your car with a pellet gun? oiy, shit like that doesn’t even happen in pg lol. and i wont find out if it happens in nelson or not cause im PIECIN it. yes, im a gangster. farewell.

December 24, 2004

rey was in New West picking me up from school and when he went into a store, some a**hole broke my car window and stole a case of gatorade and all the food we had in the car!!! We got it repaired but the deductable covered it all… anywho, have a great xmas and maybe I will see you around while youre here…seeing as I run into your mom all the time! lol. core

December 25, 2004

hey dude, so YOU have no choice, your comming to joshs next week so you can drink and drink some more dude. give either of us a call or well do the same to u. Merry Christmas to ya. l8ter

oh.. sorry bout the window. I was shooting at ppl, not cars.

December 26, 2004

i took that grammar quiz and im merely a master of the english language. damn you and your highly encephalized brain. jerk 😛

I made this OD just to note you. I work from 10-2 during the week. But send me an email with details about this adventure and I will surely join you. I would hate myself if I didn’t see you before you left! CHristina

ps. I am only a master 🙁 *bows down to you*

So the Brownester’s back in town. If you’re not too busy with other things, hopefully I’ll get a chance to see thee before the 3rd comes and passes. -nick

December 27, 2004

Everyone apears to be a grammar God. I’m not sure there is enough room for all these deities. Hope the festive season brought you all you hoped for.

December 27, 2004

I am not just a grammar God… I am THE ONLY GOD! Bow down before me and marvel at my beauty. If ye wish to know who I am and what I have done, you simply must try to match me in some of my great feats. I am Ozymandias. Chris Judson

January 6, 2005

Thanks for your recent note about Camus. I read “The Stranger” a long time ago… can’t quite recall it all. If you’re ever moved to write up your review of it, I’d love to read it!

fukwits >=| good day