Richard Voigt replies (Green party)

Richard got back to me at 7:23 AM on a Saturday morning. Jolly good, I say. I have omitted the questions and only list his responses here, for the sake of brevity, but if you need to read the questions just view my previous entry.

Mr. Browne

Thanks for taking the time to ask these questions, never stop asking as the only dumb question was the one not asked.

If you need any further answers or have more questions please feel free to contact me. My answers are in the body of your message.

1) I agree with you, it is ridiculous denying rights to anyone. One of the worst offences is in insurance claims where people get their claims denied or held up because of, pre-existing factors. That is a loop hole exploited by many companies denying a fair number of Canadians their rightful benefits. As for same sex marriages, I like our party’s stance and fully support it. A same sex union is allowed and it is up to the churches if they wish to perform the ceremony based on their belief.

2) This requires more thought, as I have seen some of the flaws, if it is altered it should only be altered in a way that defines more rights, such as those identified in the courts, and encapsulate them into law to give people better protection.

3) I believe a woman has a right to choose, I do not condone abortion as a form of birth control, to many possible side effects, but it is a woman’s choice.

4) I believe we need to get back to “family” values, I think it is wrong that “society” defines a family as “healthy” when both parents work and leave their children in some else’s care, to me that send out the wrong message. As for Church values, transposed into the state, I am not comfortable with that, which churches values? Which then brings up the question which religion has the highest values and do we adopt them?

5) I really do not understand this, who is going to attack us?

Why does the US not change its behaviour so it does not alienate itself from the rest of the world, it is a big sandbox and we should all try to get along.

6) No, I am not.

7) Yes, I would lobby for this, as long as the urban centers created workable solutions.

Richard Voigt
Green Party of Canada

Decentralization – The people most affected by a problem must have the
authority to solve it. Distant administrations cannot be responsive. We must empower individuals and municipalities to shape their own destinies.

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June 12, 2004

5) space aliens. duh. did his answers help much?

June 12, 2004

Wow. It’s interesting that he replied so quickly. The Green Party really seems representative of normal Canadians. They care about things that the other parties don’t care about and they take a stance that makes them more approachable and more human. I’m thinking that they might get my vote now. Chris

June 12, 2004

Interesting. And so rapid, too!

what is this, green party. i know nothing of these canadians. explain this to me.

June 12, 2004

ryn: well you will be wearing a suit underneath your moo moo won’t you? lol okay fine, im looking forward to seeing you in your moo moo. it’s settled.

hehe i didnt like those, so i did it again. hehe. and these ones are all wrong too, oh well.

are you canadian?

June 14, 2004

ryn: well lets see, you’re an lb; you’re hot; you were wearing a suit. do the maaaaaaaath 😛

June 15, 2004

althought I was already votin for them, this did help clear things up on those factors. good call andrew, peace bro, l8er.

no i have not heard that. i love a perfect circle. so much. i saw them in concert for my birthday last month, so convenient that they played the day after my bday. oh my god maynard was amazing, it was such a great show. i dont know.. the family thing has its ups and downs.

its ok i guess

September 14, 2004

I think so me of these answers are evasive. But that’s politicians for you I guess.

September 14, 2004

RYN: Yes, if I had to guess I’d say that OD does run with Microshaft servers. That doesn’t make them fair game for scum hackers of course. They really should be keeping their patches up to date however, and I bet they weren’t. The Dungeon Master does make a fair point however when he says that a diary site really shouldn’t have to invoke high level security measures.