the first volley

I sent the following to James Moore (Conservative), Kwanguyl Peck (Liberal), Charley King (New Democratic), and Richard Voigt (Green). I will post their answers as I receive them, if in fact any of them get back to me. (knock on wood)

I’m a new voter, having recently turned 18, and I’m asking each candidate in my riding a few questions to get a feel for how they stand on certain issues. I apologize for wordiness or length but I feel it is important to be absolutely clear.

1) One sticking point for me is that all three major parties seem to advocate a free vote in the House of Commons as the best route to reconciling the dispute related to same-sex marriage. In the past Canada has repeatedly shown it stands for human rights with the signing of documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Rights of the Child, and our very own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As Human Rights are a constantly growing and changing beast, neither perfect nor universal as of yet, it seems irrational to say that Human Rights we enjoyed in the past are acceptable because they are familiar, while rights that are currently being denied to a segment of the population are being denied simply because they did not have that right before. Either we as a nation stand for human rights or we do not. There is no middle ground. The Supreme Court and it’s judges, trusted with determining how to interpret our laws as reflected by the current state of Canadian society, have determined that same-sex marriage is a right that should be protected. Why, then, when it is known unequivocally that the rights of a minority cannot be determined fairly by vote, are the three major parties advocating a free vote in the House of Commons? As far as I can tell, the preservation of rights requires no legislative interference as we have already, frequently, stated our support for human rights in the past. The restriction of rights to a segment of the population simply because the majority is somewhat uncomfortable with it is ridiculous. What is your position on this matter?

2) What is your position on altering the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

3) What is your position on abortion rights?

4) What is your position on President Bush’s Faith-Based Initiatives and do you advocate a similar return to Church values for Canada?

5) What is your position on the proposed US missile defense shield which Canada has been asked to participate in?

6) Are you a member of any Human Rights organization such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch?

7) What is your position on funding mass transit initiatives within urban centres?

I realize that you must be very busy, with the election date moving ever closer, but I feel that I cannot vote in good conscience without a clearer perception of the candidates in my riding. I would greatly appreciate any insight you can provide on these matters.

Kind regards,
Andrew Browne
Grade 12 Student
Port Coquitlam

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June 11, 2004

your brain must be huge. are you planning on having an abortion soon? you can grow a beard AND have babies? holy super hero. Linds

June 12, 2004

Excellantly written! Me and Dave MET Mr.Peck, and we took his picture. Funny fellow he was. Have fun voting and perpetuating the cycle of evil!

June 12, 2004

Hmmm. That truthforyouth link you left on AUUB’s diary was . . . well . . . disturbing.

June 12, 2004

BTW I hope you get some replies to this letter. I’m thinking of doing a similar thing – writing to local politicians in the UK. They’re good questions too. (-:

June 12, 2004

you have a brilliant knack for putting into words what probably many of us cannot 😀 and thank goodness for that. I really wish I could vote! I’ve been personally paying taxes since I started working in November 2002 and now I have to wait another four (hopefully less) years paying taxes and not getting a say in where they go. Im very keen to see what they have to say. hoping they write back, Cor

June 12, 2004

Nice work. Hope you get some good replies!