headlight, morning glow

I suppose I have a lot of territory to cover. A lot has happened since the 21st of May. Right, then, on to the first order of business.

May 23rd, 2004 – This was my birthday bonfire extravaganza. After much pulling of hair and worrying, I pulled the night together successfully with help from Lindsey and Sam, who graciously aided me in bringing firewood up past Leigh, to the power lines. A whole bunch of folk came out, Jacob, Kat, Chant and her LB flock, Nick, Ed, Lindsey, Sam, Scott… perhaps one or two others. The details are beginning to get foggy. I brought a twelve pack of Canadian and a 26 of Smirnoff, and Dave and Jeff had most of a 26 of 151. We did all sorts of crazy shit. I remember chopping down two trees, using rubbing alcohol to ignite them, et cetera. Other interesting events took place. It was a great Sunday night/Monday morning. I camped out there as I was too bloody tired to go home. This isn’t doing the night much justice… oh, right. Scott and I were fighting the entire night, it was so much fun. And I happened to call Sam a very mean name: Jafar. It was fucking hilarious, though.

May 28th, 2004 – Grad night, w00t! What a night, what a night! Arrived at Katarina’s house around quarter to three, everyone already was there with the exception of Jacob and Chant. I proceeded to get some aid with my tie as its length was not to my liking – it was funny to see two or three of Kat’s grandparents fussing over me. I remember eating some really delicious tomatoes as we waited for Chizant. We got tired of waiting for Chant and instead went in the limo to pick her up at her house. From there we headed to Stanley Park for photos, where we found it to be glorious and sunny and otherwise completely to our satisfaction. A beautiful day with a swift breeze and crisp, clear blue sky – the sort of sky you can only have right after a storm clears out.

After about a half hour in Stanley Park, and repeated attempts at keeping the Asian tourists OFF the limo (they were sitting all over it, taking pictures and generally behaving exactly how you would expect an Asian tourist to behave), we set off for Canada Place. We stood around outside in the plaza for a good forty minutes or more, mingling and taking photos and shaking hands and kissing babies. Once we got inside there was a brief lull before dinner, after which point there was a semi-orderly free for all and everyone eventually had their food. Following that was a lot of dancing, which, despite the 1995 auditory flashback, was great fun. I miss dancing. I think I want to take some swing lessons this summer. Everyone looked so good, amazing transformations everywhere. Thank you to the ladies for all looking so feckin hot.

We left a bit early and got some gelato and then headed to our respective houses so we could change for aftergrad. I’ve heard that Kat and I looked quite good together, what with the matching tie/dress. Kat was stunning in her dress and with her hair all done up fancy-like, Chant looked amazing and I couldn’t help but think back to Comp Civ and geishas because of the oriental bit in the dress :), Amanda had this wicked purple/black half meshy thing going on that worked well. Jasmin looked amazing, so did Canan. Shannon was a huge transformation and looked great. Hell, everyone looked good. I guess I’ll leave it there.

Aftergrad was interesting. In retrospect I think I would have enjoyed sleeping more, as afterwards, at 6am, I was wired and wanted to go on a run. There was a fun harness-runny-elastic-beanbag dealio, which Jacob and I both conquered. It was too short, we kept getting to the end. Blackjack tables, food and drink, and Savard the Hypnotist all kept me marginally entertained. I ended up winning a pretty nice dartboard, so I guess that made it worth it.

May 29th, 2004 – Upon returning home for a fitful 2.5 hours of sleep between 6am and 1pm, I had Katarina, Jacob, Scott, and Ed over for a lunch/brunch at 2pm. My mom prepared us so much good food, it was heaven on a plate. After that we watched Shawshank Redemption, an all around good show. Other stuff happened. Talking, etc. Fun. I’m glad I did that instead of camping.

And now It is late Monday night and I have been in an especially drawn out, pondering mood tonight. I’m on the edge, I think.

I have a feeling that the next few days might produce a few interesting entries. Day to day summaries are essential, but boring.

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May 31, 2004

“Other interesting events took place” HAHAHAHAH

June 1, 2004

What a crazy, fun night that sounds like. Im looking forward to my grad now, except I’ll bet they play shit music.

i heart swing dancing

June 1, 2004

lol– 1995 auditory flashback, too true. the dancing was incredible, talk about a natural high. i wish i had more pics of everyone dressed fancy, my camera died shortly after we got to canada place 🙁 🙁 i didnt go camping either, and im quite glad i didnt. the weather was pretty crap.

Ah Too bad I am amongst the LB Flock. Well you are graduated now. It made me look forward to my grad.

swing dancing?! i learned a little bit at a wwii reenactment party thing. and want to take lessons so bad but the only ones nearby are like 12 males to 2 women all over the age of 35.

you definately looked dashing