johhny quest thinks we’re sellouts, sellouts

I’ve got some sort of nerve memory thing going on right now. You know how if you’re been in the water and its particularly choppy, and when you get out you feel as if you are still swaying with the waves? Or if you’re jumping on a trampoline and you get off and you expect the ground to be bouncy too, but its not, and it feels very odd? I’m experiencing a similar thing right now due to amusement park rides. I feel like I’m being swirled in all sorts of interesting directions.

So yeah, went to Playland today with Physics, as you may have gathered. It was a fun day, didn’t end up doing much of the worksheets, predictably. I don’t really give a shit, either. Sometimes picking things apart only serves to make them trivial and tedious. I wandered the park with Glen and Ed, and went on 11 rides. Corkscrew thrice, Coaster twice, Hell’s Gate twice, pirate boat twice, and the hellevator once. Hmm I’m missing one… I know there was 11, meh. Oh, right, the water/log ride thingy. I’d never been on the Hellevator, or Hell’s Gate. The Hellevator was mighty fucking intimidating in line but the ride itself was anticlimactic. As I was going up my biggest observation was “Oh, look, it’s Metrotown off in the distance.” Fun ride, but not worth the 30-45min wait. The corkscrew, as always, was fun but too damn short. The Coaster was wicked, of course. I love how you can feel the car leaving the tracks. The ride rules because you never know if you’re gonna die or not. It was built in 1958, FYI.

The log ride got Ed soaked because he’s Asian and us mean white-folk made him sit in the front. Both the pirate ship and Hells gate were far more hardc0re than the hellevator in terms of puke potential. The pirate boat is just lurchy and its fun if you sit at one of the two ends, gay if you sit in the middle, even though you get a good view of the mermaid and her tits. Hell’s Gate produces some of the weirdest sensations, its really spinny and whatnot. Hmm what else. The Revelation was $15 per person, so we said fuck that shiz. Ed had a water bottle and we used it as an accelerometer to measure g-force and we had to constantly go “damnit Ed stop fucking drinking our accelerometer” which I’m sure a few people found odd to hear. It was certainly fun to say.

I’ve got some music stuck in my head at the moment.

Clash – Anarchy in the USA (spanish)
Pilate – King of the Past
Pilate – Into Your Hideout
Alexisonfire – 44 calibre love letter
Alexisonfire – Adelleda
The Police – King of Pain
random crap off the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club CD that was in Chants Blood Brothers case
Less Than Jake – Johnny Quest Thinks We’re Sellouts
Less Than Jake – Last Hour of the Last Day of Work

Monday sucked, it was a Chem test. I guess it went ok. I dont think any worse than 70%, in any case.

The weekend was… well. The weekend was a period of time. Saturday night I had to go to my cousin’s birthday thing. I’m being forced into attending more family functions being that I likely wont be here come next year. It was fun, nonetheless. Turns out my uncle has a friend who is a prof at Waterloo.

Thursday, was, of course… Alexisonfire. It was fun. Uhm. Boys Night Out sucked, they reminded me of Simple Plan except not successful. Which is even worse, really. At least Simple Plan can claim to have suckered many people out of their money. Black Halos were hilarious, absolutely hilarious. Good music, hilarious lead singer, christ. The antics he was pulling. I think I was laughing my ass off. He would like punch himself repeatedly in the head, put the microphone down his pants, ramble incoherently (clearly out of his mind on something at the time) and I think he might have flapped his wang at the front row. I was quite far back but it appeared thats what he was up to. Alexisonfire ruled, of course – really dont have much to say on that.

I was gonna write a whole bunch of introspective crap but this turned into a summary of events, pooh. Bah, oh well.

I’ve still got to finish my Lit essay. And I’m not looking forward to Wyatt being bitchy about hearing I was at Playland. In fact I’m not really looking forward to anything regarding Wyatt with the exception of him shutting the fuck up.

Whole bunch of grad stuff to figure out… final limo placement, some sort of a spa gift cert for Amanda’s mom, buy grad ticket, get a goddamn table reserved, etc. It’s gonna be hard to get a table because we all need tickets to reserve a table… and we’re not on the ball.

Log in to write a note
May 11, 2004

lol that happens to me when I run on the treadmill…the creepiest feeling ever. grad stuff is so annoying. too bad they couldn’t just wrap it up in a neat little package and you could just sign on the dotted line for the whole kit and kaboodle. lol I am so old. Linds

its puketential dammit! im glad u had a good time…i stayed in bed the entire day, it was fantastic. and we better get on that ball soon. theres onyl 3 more days to get our tickets:s im getting mine tomorrow..hopefully everyone else has theirs. and the revelation is well worth 15$ except when we went it was 2 for 20.. so i dno whats up with those bitches..

haha thats about the longest note about my breasts i’ve ever read. i’m just getting these little pad things that go in my bra to push up my boobs more and look fuller. my dress was made for someone with slightly bigger breasts than me.

I heart mermaid tits. Playland is wicked! Plan your birthday

May 12, 2004

come on and cut wyatt a break. hes just got more sexiness than he knows what to do with…besides spewing facts abuot literature and politics and being crazy. but theres still way too much sexy left over! poor guy.

May 12, 2004

by the way, chris is in love with him.

“he’s the guy passing out on your couch”

ha, ha…Wyatt shuting up….i wish.

May 16, 2004

I like your diary – more specifically the way you write. You just may have inspired me to start writing songs again..

May 16, 2004

How dare! I don’t love Wyatt! I just kinda found it erotic when he took of his blazer and showed off his bare forearms the other day… I mean… I DON’T LOVE WYATT! Chris