single order of greed – hold the sanity


So we got our financing from TD Bank. I now have a $10,000 line of credit which, along with savings and summer work, will cover all of my first year and a portion of my second year at Waterloo. TD is basically offering whatever I want per year. We went there and they were like yeah how much do you want? They’re licking their chops knowing that if I get my student loans there, a) I’ll have to spend eternity paying it off, and b) when I finally do pay it off I’ll probably follow with a big juicy mortgage for them to suck me dry on until the day I die.

My mark in physics 12 is currently 64%, youch. But that does not take into account the 36% test that I was able to redo, so I suspect I might be closer to 70% now. Chem 12 is hovering right at 73%. Lit class is almost an A, around 85%, and History at 88%.

I think this is the hardest I’ve worked, ever. I’m starting to go loony and its showing.

Today on impulse I decided to take a T3 before Lit class. I certainly made D and E block more interesting. I also hooked up Judson and Kat. w00t! Oh man, the march of the opiates continues.

I hear that my great grandmother isn’t doing so well. I suppose her time is almost up being that she’s already had 98 years on this earth. It appears that I won’t be able to see her one last time when I head out back East, as we had all expected. C’est la vie… or death.

There is a certain amount of solace that can be taken away from the impending death of a relative that you have only met seldom. Maybe it’s just a guy thing, but even when my grandpa died it didn’t really effect me. I think the only thing that would effect me is the death of a parent.

Maybe I’m just dead to the world.

As it is the world seems to be a pretty lonely place. There are not too many individuals that I actually connect with out there. I’m on the outside looking in. Sometimes I think it’d be so easy to just let go of it all.

Chris remarked that Lit class seemed to be Bible Study 101 today. If he had been there in first semester for Dante he would have learned to tune out Wyatt when he goes on his God rants and gets all preachy. Definitely had that vibe, although I suppose thats a given if one is talking about Paradise Lost. As it is, Wyatt seems to talk about the concepts of Satan and God and the struggles related as concrete events rather than metaphors, as he treats other stories. This is puzzling because he has previously stated that he doesn’t buy the whole God deal and has also accused US of taking things too literally.

I was reading up on the HEU strike today. Apparently they equate “no raise” with “reducing wages to $10/hr.” Not sure where they pulled that from. There have been some downsizings, and of those non-unionized contract workers, some make $10/hr, but these workers don’t pose any sort of threat to the union which is vastly superior in number. The fact remains that BC HEU employees are by far the best paid in Canada, period. There’s no way around that figure, and yet they continue to bitch. It’s puzzling. I mean yes, no one is arguing that you can’t raise a family on $10/hr. But people are starting to wake up and think, “Hmm… I wonder if that cleaner making $18.35/hr has anything to do with having to wait 8 months for my knee replacement surgery…”

Yes it would be peachy keen if we could all make 6 figures and frolic through meadows with bunnies and all live happily ever after, but where the fuck is the money supposed to come from? Where!? It’s not as simple as just SPENDING it if its not there to begin with. Everyone in Canada is already taxed to the max, the middle class is drowning and the only way we can all collectively pull our heads above water is if we eliminate the public unions. I don’t begrudge anyone the means to raise a family, and I don’t really have anything to say to laid off HEU workers either. I mean, it’s terrible. Absolutely, I simply don’t have any words to offer, it sucks, truly… But so is a province that was losing $4 billion dollars a year. That simply cannot go on. We’re not talking about mere numbers here, we’re talking about the financial collapse of a nation. It really is that serious if something isn’t done in the next decade. You and I and our young brothers and sisters could face a bankrupt Canada that cannot afford to care for us when we are old. You think things are bad now?

Just wait. The best is yet to come. Coolest of all is that we’re blindly accelerating toward oblivion, assuming all will just sort itself out and we’ll all live happily ever after.

Hell, I don’t know. Really the only thing that would save us now – short of sanity – is another World War.

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April 28, 2004

ehhh your rants on heu make me queasy…thank god im at my aunts for the week so I don’t have to listen to my mom. I prefer plugging my ears and not watching the news, reading the paper or doing anything of the sort that would tell me wtf is going on out there in the world. I don’t care.

did you say something about ice cream?

So you wouldn’t be affected by Seans death? I’m not surprised. I second Lindsey’s note.