And I’m sorry about the moon

Thanks for the kind words on my last entry… you folks and your opinions are definitely valuable. I wrote most of it while Wyatt was talking. And talking. And talking. I suppose he is good for something after all. I’m still debating whether or not to kick him down the stairs simply because of the pure seething anger that he brings about in me.

It’s so loud it hurts sometimes.

Does anyone ever get the feeling that life isn’t real at all? That we’re all somehow bulldozing through a completely comical and random series of events that have little bearing on what actually happens, let alone any importance? I can’t help but feel that this is the case.

I guess it’s a coping mechanism. Deep down we all know this is our one and single shot. Pausing to think about the magnitude of every single daily decision and its eventual ramifications is something we’re not capable of, so we, paradoxically, end up doing the exact opposite and throwing complete caution to the wind in most cases.

Certainly not a bad development, in any case – just interesting. Maybe we’re not actually carefree, maybe we are very cautious. I wonder what sort of scale that would be. At one end you would have writing down the pro’s and con’s of every single decision, down to continuing to breathe, and on the other end you’d probably have a goldfish.

They were playing The Cure in Save-On today. I smiled. And then we bought some croissants so I smiled a hell of a lot more.

I was reviewing Hamlet themes earlier and managed to come across a text-based adventure game based on Hamlet. It was quite entertaining. I jumped out a window and plummeted to my death. I also talked to the curtain and it told me that curtains can’t talk, silly! So I punched it.

I’ve realized that Burke Mountain has a lot of territory that I still want to explore. It’d be wicked to do some camping up there.

It looks like the hospital employees union is up in arms again. Yeah, rah, rah. Get the fuck back to work you ingrates. Cancelling three days of surgeries is a sure-fire way to get the public on your side, let me tell ya. Oh, and don’t believe their claims that the Liberal government is somehow destorying health care – the unions were equally bitchy under the NDP, its just that the Liberals have some backbone and courage to stand up to the unions, and they dont like it one bit. During the 1990s the only other area other than BC that felt a recession was Chiapas, Mexico, and it had a civil war. We had the NDP. I suppose there are parallel’s… the public sector unions are more similar to mafias or cartels than actual unions.

As it is I don’t see why the nurses don’t deserve less money for all the stories I’ve heard. Medicine itself is a very overhyped “cure” to everything. The reality is that nurses are often sloppy beyond belief BECAUSE of their union protecting them, and that doctors are often pompous, pedantic jackasses because their education has taught them that they are more important than the patient. Sure, modern-medicine has trivialized the matter of setting a broken bone, but for anything much more severe than that, it’s still a very imprecise science that is rough on patients. So we should stop bloody well treating the health care workers like gods, because they’re not.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, unions have no place in public jobs. Uncle Sam ain’t gonna make you work in a mine at age 8 for 16 hours a day, fuckwits.

And we wonder where all the money goes.

note to self: make vancouver photo adventure happen!

I filled out my preferences for residences at Waterloo today and it’ll be sent tomorrow along with its $500 deposit. Yikes. I wonder how many days I have left in Vancouver, assuming all proves fine with my final transcript…

If I can touch it,

I can destroy it,

If it’s imaginable to some degree,

I can become it,

Like a hungry turning vortex that just flickers to existence,

Consuming bits and pieces until I’m finally extinguished

Log in to write a note

ryn: silly, its not til may 6th! a bit less than 2 weeks away.:(

*huggles* you had better write me while you are at waterloo.. and send me those goofy university flags and a sweatshirt that says UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO on it so I can tell people that I went there. back in the day. yo.

April 26, 2004

mmm croisants buttery goodness mmmmmmmmm sometimes i think you’re really whack…this is one of those times.

Hey hey.. I have a goldfish. But I don’t have croissants. 🙁 nick.

April 26, 2004

Is the deposit returned if you don’t get in? jeez thats a large amount to lose if it doesnt :S. im sure you’ll get in though :o) union shiat – my doctor booked me a back xray a few months ago, and now theyve gone and canceled it two days before it was to take place. Im pissed, but at least its not life threatening. Still, my doctor had to pull strings so i could get in before i turn 18. :@:@:@

what me? no i dont hit on anyone. i’m innocent and nice. just like you 🙂