Mackenzie Sarah Jade

Born 6 November 2005 2:08am

7lb 3oz

Assisted birth after an exaughsting 17.5 hours labour

Mother and child are doing well. She’s an adorable chubby bubby… You will have to make do with the picture I took on my phone until i get my digital photo’s back.

I guess this makes me an uncle


Song for the day: Massive Attack – Tear Drop


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November 5, 2005

Oh she’s a doll! 🙂

November 5, 2005

What a cutie she is.

November 5, 2005

Congratulations, Uncle Tisk.

November 6, 2005

hello baby!! heh adorable

November 6, 2005

I am so not into babies, but she seems nice. Congratulations Uncle Bobby!

November 6, 2005

ryn: oooh, he is gorgeous! very impressed. shame he is gay and i have a boyfriend! Hubba hubba!

thanks for reading. ryn: Those days are over it appears…

November 6, 2005

Awww…what a cutie

November 7, 2005


November 7, 2005

Love that baby soo cute RYN: Thanks tisk I have been looking for new books to read

November 8, 2005

Ohhhh shes beautiful!!! And look at thoes LIPS! Cock sucker lips I tell ya! 🙂 xxx