The Coming QC
I received a text message from mum last night asking me what I wanted for my birthday… and funnily enough Jay asked me the same question not 2 hours later. Hello, like I know what I want, seeming as I had to figure it out for you, you can do the same. I will be turning the dreadful quarter century. Oh god I’m getting too old for this.
I don’t feel well. Which isn’t unusual, but I’m so fucking sick of it (for the want of another word)! Jay and I were playing around last night (not in the way your thinking!) – I was trying to play with his belly button, which he doesn’t like. So I had to jump on him to try and hold him down, then it hit me again [sickness]. Grr. I’ve stopped taking the medication that the doctor prescribed – it was helping – but the side effects were too harsh so now I have to drag my arse off the see her again, which will cost me another $56 dollars. She needs to understand that I’m precious.
We were awarded favour in the commission, with his case being thrown out as having no merit which was to be expected, all having been a colossal waste of my time, and company money.
I am so bored this morning I logged back into Canberra beats to check the new cruiser profiles and local beats (I’m an old beat queen from way back – there are a few good ones in Sydney city too ), anywayz there are a few new ones! I’m surprised, but then again there are plenty out there that aren’t listed – in-fact heaps, I just don’t know if I should update it properly for them or not… if I have nothing else better to do today I will. I am married so no, I don’t visit them anymore, but that isn’t to say I shouldn’t do my civic duty and let everyone else know, it’s only fair.
Song for the day: Maureen McGovern – The Morning After
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ryn: you’d have know him to understand. but yes an objective pov is appreciated… especially w/me 🙂
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Good grief, not the quarter-century? And I always thought you were such a sweet YOUNG thing. Love ya!!
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wow! it is your birthday! i can’t afford a gift, but at least tell me what date it is so that I can call you and sing!!!
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Oh baby, it seems like only yesterday when we where sweet young things, running amuck in the big city, destroying our bodies with elicit cemicals and having guilt free sex with underaged youths… Now we are both married, with kids and a mortgage – the simply life some say, the better life! But just to taste it one more time, just to have it pressed against us again… *sigh* 🙂 xx
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P.S – What are you doing for your BIG 2 5 ??????? xxx
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