Officially Official

He gave it to me on Saturday, just as I was about to start the big torch in the Jewelry/Metals studio.  The grad student who’s observing my enameling class caught sight of it, ran over, grabbed my hand, shrieked, jumped up and down squeeling congratulations, then turned to the studio at large and shouted, "EVERYBODY GET OVER HERE AND CONGRATULATE CRICKET!! SHE JUST GOT ENGAGED!!!!"  A few minutes later, when, in her eyes, not enough people had shown up, she turned again: "COME ON PEOPLE!!  STONAGE!!!"  If I hadn’t been so embarassed by all the attention, I would’ve been laughing harder … 🙂

J’s mom (I) called shortly thereafter, because it was her and her mother and her grandmother’s engagement diamond that she had given to me and J (not either of her two older children, both of whom are already married … *gulps*).  It’s hard to picture J’s mom as being anything other than hard-nosed, large and in charge, but she actually sounded (for her) anxious when she asked if I liked the ring, and was almost bashful (in a gruff "oh i didn’t do anything special" sort of way) when I thanked her so much for giving us something so special.  I hope Nh and M (J’s bro. and sis.) aren’t too upset at either their mom or at me and J for the fact that I gave us the herloom, instead of to one of the older sibs.  They’re already kind of upset that she’s actually going to make the effort to come to wedding when she didn’t go to either of theirs.  It’s kind of sad, actually, that she coule be so callous towards then as to not go to their weddings – even though M’s was in Georgia, and Nh’s was … somewhere … and disgustingly early in the morning – IT’S YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!  I guess my threat that if she didn’t feel obligated to come to the ceremony, I wouldn’t feel obligated to feed her at the reception worked.  Heh … oh well. Hopefully everyone will get over themselves and all will be well.

And, as a point of interest, I’m pretty sure I’ve discovered that diamonds phosphoress after being exposed to blacklights.  I’m hoping my physics teacher will bring a blacklight to class next week so we can test my theory … 😀

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November 20, 2006

Congratulations! That is way exciting. But i have to say my favorite part of your entry was the last line. 🙂