Behavior Issues

oh God oh God oh God …

please let this mess end quickly and end without Jon getting himself "let go" again … please please please!!!!

i don’t know what it is about Jon and management, but he can never seem to stay on the good side.  he’s a good employee, he keeps his customers happy  for the vast majority, but for some reason management always finds something very wrong with his behavior.  they always manage to hone in on his rare slip-ups – and the slip-ups are always something that he should KNOW better than to do!!!  but then again, they always think it’s okay to dredge up "complaints" from months and months ago that they never said anything about until they had real amunintion to aim at him.  then they throw this other stuff on top, just to make things nasty.

so Jon got written up TWICE last week; partially for stuff that he really shouldn’t have done and should’ve known better (like calling customers names when there was still the potential that they could’ve heard him, and commenting on a girl’s smelly lotion when he has never gotten along with the girl in the first place – of course she’s gonna get him in trouble!!!!) but then they threw in a write up for someone overhearing him say that he was glad one of the other CSR’s (who wasn’t a very nice person OR a good employee, even though she’d been there for 7 years) had quit.  they wrote him up for an OPINION!!  it’s not like he said it to her face, and she wasn’t even an employee any more!!!  it’s CRAP!!!  but this is the kind of thing that happens all the time.  he’ll do something wrong once and whomever is in a position of authority over him throws all kinds of SHIT on top of the origional offence. 

we can’t figure out if this guy is just flexing his puny, middle-management muscles to take Jon down a notch because Jon’s got such great numbers as a CSR, let alone someone who’s been there less than a year, or if it’s because Jon applied for a franchisee position upstairs and the guy didn’t like the idea of Jon outranking him.

either way, i wish Jon would just get it through his head that he’s not at work to make friends, you shouldn’t talk about stuff that doesn’t have to do with work at work, and if your manager tells you to do something, you just do it.  very few people in the world are completely happy with their jobs; all you have to do is do what you’re told, get along with your coworkers well enough to get through the day, and DON’T CALL CUSTOMERS NAMES TIL YOU’RE AT HOME AND NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU!!!

i’m so afraid now; this is how it always starts, and i hope Jon is smart enough to just back off and let the storm pass over.  and please God let the storm pass over … he CAN NOT lose this job!!!

and there’s nothing i can do …

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