Jon and I have been getting in spats lately … sometime over the fact that I don’t help as much around the house as i could (although i do most of the cooking now … that’s worth something, isn’t it? and i’ve been doing most of the research, planning and organization for the wedding so far, what about that?) or because lately he’s been saying some things that are either just plain not nice, or i tell him something about how i’m doing something and he doesn’t think it’s the right way so he launches into a speach about how he thinks i SHOULD do it.
the rediculous thing is, about the wedding plans, there’s been no contention what so ever. everything’s going smooth as silk, so far. 🙂 🙂 he even officially reserved the park and shelter for our wedding date today!! yay!!! >^_^<
but … we’ve been going to bed angry about other stuff, and it’s so stressful … but lately, when i tell him he’s hurting my feelings or saying something mean about someone else that i don’t want to hear, he starts telling me why i shouldn’t feel that way. i need to just sit him down and tell him to shut up and listen … but i’m afraid to. i’m afraid he’s going to somehow turn it around on me, and i don’t know what to say when someone’s on the attack.
colie’s supposed to come over tonight for a VERY belated birthday dinner, and i don’t even wanna go home. i’m so so tired … i hate my job, it always gets worse when my boss is away (which he’s been for yesterday and today) and when he comes back he expects us to miraculously found extra time in the day in which to get his job AND ours done. and then he tells us how silly we are for not being able to.
and my car’s broken again and i don’t know what’s wrong this time.
everything sucks right now …