
thought I would tell you all about the guy im with now..

His name is Ryan… He is 23…. He graduated from Vanderbilt with a degree in neuroscience.. RIght now, he lives and works in Memphis at a medical research center and he drives home on the weekends….

He treats me like a queen and i have never had that happen before…

He respects me and listens to even my littlest problems…

He said that all he ever looks forward to is the weekend when he can come see me…

He drives 5 hours each weekend to see me…

He got me flowers the other night.. I’ve never got flowers from a guy before…

I feel like he is actually trying to see the real me and not use me for my body..

He hasnt tried to pressure me and has not tried anything with me…

Im so happy with him…

His parents love me so much..

I’m actually going to lunch with his mom today…

Wish me luck that all this works out..

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